Genuinely, how was your week

  1. Had an insanely difficult day yesterday but I managed to pull through and I’m doing much better today. It’s a testament to my own commitment to self improvement over the years that I’ve managed to bounce back from such challenging circumstances and still keep pushing forward

  2. Work has been even slower than usual, so that’s nice. I’m about to take a couple weeks off, so that’s also nice. Could’ve been nicer, but it’s still been one of the nicer weeks I’ve had this year.

  3. Fantastic. My year old cat got out and we lost him for a night. Found him hiding in rocks scared out of his mind in the morning.

    He runs away when we open the door now so maybe it was a good thing that his outside adventure mentality is wrecked.

    We live in a rural area. Foxes will kill and eat him since he’s still small.

  4. Quite okay.
    Got to know an amazing person. Had some straaaange experiences and today I had to correct my boss that if he wants me to work more, he will pay me more.

    Overall, quite successful.


    And I really am enjoying that the sun is out, t-shirt weather, soon beach.

  5. Meh. Had a rough week at work and had a doctors appointment to look at a mass in my leg. Now I’m waiting in the lobby to talk to a surgeon to see if this needs to come out. Definitely not my best week.

  6. I’m a lazy fuck who should have studied but didn’t so I did rest pretty well

    Yesterday I found out I mixed the dates of the exams and the bit I did study was not for today’s exam. So I studied really hard, for 2 hours but then got lazy and felt weird tbh so I didn’t do much more the rest of the day.

    Today I studied really hard for just over 3h (as much as I could before the exam) and the exam was exactly what I studied.

    So I am glad, but the week has been stressful, even though not too tiring because I’m a piece of shit who deals with stress by becoming lazy

  7. Not well. Friends suddenly being annoying even though I didn’t do anything, also procrastination and depression 😔

  8. This week as well as the next couple are weeks I’ll be glad happened, but also glad they’re behind me.

    This week we had the house cleaned and organized in anticipation of family coming to stay with us. A lot of coordination, but the house looks great.

    This weekend and next week will be filled up with events and family, then helping my wife with a bit of cleanup for work. Will be a lot of fun, but I don’t like having a lot to do so close together

    The following week I’ll be getting a small surgery. I will be fine, recovery will be fine and I’ll be feeling healthier, but it’s also my first major health thing, so nervous a bit.

  9. It went to shit on Wednesday and Thursday with a sudden middle of the night work emergency. Other than that pretty good.

  10. pretty boring, ive been at home doing revision all week for my upcoming exams. Only today I just came back from watching the new spiderman in theatres. Which is the most I done this week. So overall, my week hasn’t been that bad, but it also haven’t been the best.Id give it a 6/10.

  11. finally fuckin figured out whats been making me nauseous and causing me to puke for the past month and a half. And I’ve finally dropped myself below 220lbs. Last time I weighed this much was 9th grade, I’m 21 now. Overall pretty good.

  12. Working till 3 O clock midnight then traveled to the capital city of Dhaka the same day, had to take classes from 9.00 – 3.00, and back to my station again to attend my daily job… and continue the same for 6 days a week.

    Hey, at least, the pays are great.

  13. Last week before my “staycation” where I’ll be dog sitting. Everything is about the anticipation.

  14. It was good. Feeling a little unloveable right now but that’s okay.

  15. A girl who I liked since I first met her told me on Wednesday that I have an amazing smile. Made my week. Apart from that I had a very shit week, despite finally seeing some of my efforts pay off, which left me thinking that no one, not even my own family wants to see me happy.

    I’m trying to buy the girl lunch as thanks for making my week.

  16. Got sick 😔. Had to cancel vacation plans for next week because of it.

  17. Fine. Gym’s been fun. I’ve found great songs. Trouble sleeping for the last week idk why. A lot of supporting my bsf though a breakup (walking on eggshells cuz he def was at fault for it). I’ve been getting really near my mental limit when it comes to studying. About to give up, but I still have some strength left. One of female friends !who’s in a relationship! asked me out. That was a funny convo. Had to let her down and lost almost all of the respect I had for her and smoked weed for the first time in like 2 months.

    Overall eh 5/10

  18. Pretty fun.Started working for the first time.Exhausting, but honestly enjoying that I’m doing something instead of laying in bed all summer.
    Next week my driving lessons will be starting so even more fun is awaiting.

  19. Somewhat good. Training going amazing, watched across the spiderverse and i loved it, enjoying these last few days before starting a summer job.
    Had a huge shitshow in my friend group and the tension keeps getting worse and i am afraid its about to blow up soon.

  20. Shitty. I’m already on crutches and having hip surgery in 10 days, and my sciatic nerve got pinched or whatever, and I am in excruciating pain and can barely stand and walk, even with crutches. It’s been a bad year so far

  21. Typical week. Work has its ups and downs but nothing crazy this week. Going on a motorcycle road trip this weekend to visit my parents. One of my cousins and his wife from the east coast are out this way and will be visiting them also. I am looking forward to that get together.

    Next Wednesday my gf of 17 years is coming back from Korea after a 4 year contract there. Got that news this week and am really excited about it.

  22. it started well and then rough and emtional.

    went on a 10 hour motorcycle ride and finish the night with a gym session

    by wednesday, my motorcycle caught on fire at 7 am.

    by thursday, i paid all of bills and now i have $100 to my name until next paycheck.

    asked my family to give me a loan of $500-1000 and got denied. even tho i helped them out in the past. i got mad at them and not going to speak to them until further notice.

    friday, i figured what was wrong with my bike and now waiting for the parts to come in so i can fix it.

    also budgeting what i should spend.. food, gas, motorcycle parts.

    i’ll be broke again. ugh.

  23. Absolutely crushed it.

    Am killing it in my new job, all my bills are already paid for this month, and about to get back to killing it again next week.

  24. Pretty rough. Had some long and tough days at work, made an ass of myself. I’m working a Saturday. Thankfully Street Fighter 6 just came out.

  25. Up and down. I’ve had some good times, but there’s too much going through my head. It’s getting exhausting.

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