Why do people who are worried about being used for their money , never seem date in their tax bracket?

  1. Because even those who date within their tax bracket have been used for their money.

  2. The more money you make, the fewer people there are who make a similar amount. If you’re making over 100k per year, and you’re only willing to date people who are also making that much, you’ve just disqualified 80% of the population.

  3. people who are making the same amount as you can still be looking to use you for your money

  4. My friend gets that a lot. He asked: How many single women under 40 you know who are in the top tax bracket?

  5. Maybe because that worry comes from dating outside their tax bracket.

    Or those who would be worried to do so don’t even think about it because they do not date outside their tax bracket.

  6. I think OP has an agenda or something. It’s assuming alot that just because you date in your tax bracket you won’t be used for money.

    From a man’s perspective it doesn’t matter how much she makes, she’ll want you to spend money on her more than youd want in return.

  7. Because women who make a lot of money usually aren’t attractive.

  8. I’m married, and not worried about this, but I will say this: if I were single, almost no women my age would be in my income bracket.

    I’ve accepted that I will make more than my wife in almost any relationship and that’s OK. I just need to know that’s not why you’re sticking around.

  9. Because women who make as much money as I do aren’t really all that fun to be around. If you make more than enough money for two people, why would you bother with a woman who is perma stress and perma busy and perma grinding.

    The perma grinding thing is especially annoying because I’ve spoken to women who once they learn about my financial situation they start suggesting I go to school and get more degrees and I’m just like “Why?” and they don’t really have an answer. It’s just been beaten into them that when you get the chance, you get more educated and get more qualified so you can get a better job.

  10. Well it depends on what you’re talking about when it comes to the amount of money. To earn in a much higher tax bracket where this stereotypical question is derived from you require a different type of personality than you would have if you were an average earner.

    To put it simple type A personalities usually don’t mix well in romance and marriage.

  11. I was always very discerning:

    “Before you take your panties off, how much do you average per year in Capital Gains and are they long or short term?”

    That always got them extra wet…

  12. Because it’s a smaller tax bracket, especially for women. I’d never date. Also, sad to say that even if someone isn’t explicitly using me for my money, it’s still generally considered an attractive quality. I’m not tall, I’m not good looking. I’m not super outgoing…

  13. Because it’s not about money as much as it is about character, and vetting properly before you get serious or married.

  14. It’s hard finding another woman making software engineer money, even another trans woman

  15. Being in the same tax bracket doesn’t mean the woman is going to be a good woman, nor does it mean that she will not want or use his money.

    Honestly the guys worrying about gold diggers RARELY have the money for gold diggers to care about them. The guys that do have actual money know how to filter gold diggers out, or accept that shes just arm candy and go with it.

    I’m not going to say all career women, or ones in my tax bracket act this way (my most previous ex was not this way AT ALL) but a lot of high earning women *filter men based on income*…it screams ‘I only care about money’. And while they may not be gold diggers *for his money* it doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be motivated by money to some large degree.

  16. if I could date a woman who made as much or more then me I’d go for it, but that sounds like something that would kill her interest

  17. Because sometimes its not a two way street. They don’t want to be used for money, but they still want to control with money.

  18. For the same reason I don’t worry about the chance of a shark attack in a fresh water lake. People tend to worry more about risks they believe apply to them given their current situation.

  19. Women in their tax bracket tend to chase and date men in the next bracket up.

    Women date up, socioeconomically, men date down.

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