What’s your Don’t judge a book by its cover story?

  1. I used to work in semi upscale retail on commission. There was a woman who came and did not scream “wealth.” I was the newest employee so I was told to wait on her because the more tenured employees didn’t want to deal with her. She ended up being one of my best customers and spending tens of thousands of dollars with me.

  2. I went to high school with this guy. He was beautiful. Quite probably the most physically attractive person I’ve ever seen in real life. He dated my best friend, and I was so jealous. Then he cheated on her with anything that would hold still long enough, got 2 other girls in our high school pregnant, went to jail for sexually abusing his sister, got out and has since racked up 3 more sexual assaults and two animal abuse charges.

  3. The unwind series. I thought the cover was boring and it looked like a crime story. Man was I wrong! It’s one of those books that just…went there.

  4. When I met my husband, I couldn’t imagine a more stereotypical nerd—glasses, bad haircut, dressed like an engineer from pre-moon landing era, worked with computers, socially awkward, into comics and sci-fi.

    Turns out he’s also a headbanger. Knows a lot about metal music.

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