I tried asking this a few weeks ago but was taken down because the title was too short.

I’ve not had a hug since Dec 24th of last year. And I was wondering how long it’s been for anyone else? Is this common for men in their early 30s?

  1. As someone with kids that still live at home, I constantly have physical contact. We’re a very cuddly household. Before that, it was the last time I saw my friends in person, so a week or two.

  2. I have my wife and kids at home. I get my share of hugs everyday. We are social beings, physical touch is very important to our emotional well-being. I am sorry you’ve had to endure the distance for so long. I remember when I was younger and alone on-field, I’d hug a tree. Literally a tree. When I was a teenager, I’d also hug my dog. Some people hug strangers, too. Just ask for a hug like the one carrying signs “Free Hug” … Although I know it can be weird. A smile is free. A hug can be too. Good luck!

  3. An hour ago I slapped my wife’s ass as we were coming home and walking up the stairs, then she lied down while I took the puppy for a walk. It’s a good life.

  4. Last week. I’m a doctor and I had a patients daughter get very emotional about her mother/my patient. I gave her a hug to comfort her.

  5. It’s been awhile but not that long. This really hit home during the pandemic when I went months without touching anyone. It’s natural to worry about it and u should address it. Go on dates, go see family, find any situation to give someone a hug.

  6. Traveling for work right now, last hug was when I left dinner with some of the team out here before my flight last night.

  7. I have gone up to 8 months to a year without a hug 🤷‍♂️. We are born alone and die alone. Learn how to be happy alone

  8. An hour ago. Goodbye kiss by my girlfriend.

    But I have constantly physical contact to someone, because my friends and I are huggers. I thought it was common that friends hugged each other when greeting and saying goodbye.

  9. For anything more involved than the occasional fistbump at work, probably some sort of hug from someone from church something like four years ago? I don’t really remember it happening but I have a terrible memory for that type of thing and I know some of the nice people who probably insisted on a hug occasionally. I can’t remember for sure though, it’s definitely been years and it’s always something like a surprising hug from an affectionate stranger or something. In general I don’t touch people and I tend to keep most of a room length between myself and others if at all possible. It’s for the best though, even if it’s not healthy – being close to other people is hard and scary for me.

  10. This morning.

    Dude, stop wallowing. Get your shit together. Wake up early. Go for a morning walk when the sun is just rising. Spend 20 minutes outside. Engage in physical activity.

  11. If handshakes don’t count, for about 6 years I was in an LDR. So I went 4-6 weeks between any type of physical contact except the occasional handshake.

  12. Hooked up with some girl off bumble last night.

    in my late 20’s I don’t think I had more than a hug from my mother. Then i spent my early 30’s getting my shit together. And now that my shit is mostly together I can probably hook up with someone every week.

    However, making threads about it doesn’t help.

  13. I just hugged and kissed my girlfriend 10 minutes ago. 2 hours back, we went for an afternoon swim and I love to squeeze her butts and boobies when nobody is watching.

    Yea I’m bragging but life is shitty but it’s these little hugs and kisses that make my day.

  14. Yesterday when I kissed my girlfriend.

    Wasn’t always like this, used to be months without physical contact.

  15. Had a handshake 2 days ago, maybe a hug 2 weeks ago, something more 7 months…..longest I’ve gone without a handshake is 18 months

  16. Toddler is currently sleeping on top of me so that is what it is. Family is easier but I want to make sure to teach the kids, especially boys, that showing affection physically and verbally is important.

    Outside family I had a big swingy handshake and a half a hug from a good customer on Friday- not sure if shit like that counts because if you can’t shake someone’s hand in my business you’re the weird one. I’ve got two close guy friends on my street that I hug when I haven’t seen them in a few days, but this is an intentional choice by us to live close as a part of a community and to show physical affection to other straight men without being weird about it. One other great guy but not as longtime a friend I haven’t seen in a few weeks who I miss and I’ll give him a hug when I see him.

    This area is also very countercultural and is full of gender nonconformity generally so there are probably a handful of other men here that I will put my arm around or hug.

    Biggest thing I feel like we are missing is no one sings together here. Need to get a beer hall going and steal some German or Irish songs.

    I get the feeling that people are so terribly isolated though. Even people I know well lose touch so easily. Loneliness is a plague and it has given us much of the paranoia and violence that we now suffer.

  17. Yes it’s common, and not just for men in their early 30s. Lots of men go years without physical contact and it’s pretty normal. I certainly have.

  18. Last night?

    Or if you want to go down the weird rode…. Friday at work. I was stressing out over something and a coworker just walked up and started giving me a neck rub. Oh, fuck that felt good! I was like, “If you don’t knock that off within 3 hours we’re gonna have a problem.”

  19. Platonic? Last night, when I went out with a random group of people I just met. Fun times?

    Intimate (non-sexual)? February. Been broken up since then.

    Sexual? May 2022. I hope I can fix that soon 🫠

  20. Hugged and kissed my wife this morning. Sexual contact? Hmmm. Kids are home from college, and it seems at least one is home at any time, so who knows when our next sexcapades will be.

  21. Regardless of others, date someone who also enjoys hugging. Meanwhile reach out and shake hands with others. Go to dancing locations, meet people, dance and become friends and of course hug them when you meet and leave.

    Just me, I sometimes visit friends who have dogs. Dogs always want a hug from me. They feed off the attention and I believe they likewise love it.

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