I’m talking to this guy and so far really like our convos and chemistry over the phone and text. We’re going on our first date coming up on in two days (Monday).

He’s been in three 2 year relationships and one one year relationship (which is the recent one that ended 8 months ago).

I’m looking for a long term relationship and to get married some day as it’s important to me. Is this a red flag in dating? Is that a lot at 25? What do u guys think and what should I do? idk if I should go on the date anyone just to be disappointed down the road.

  1. Weirdly enough reading this makes me think he’s more a green flag than red. I’d rather date a guy who’s been in multiple long term relationships than multiple short term relationships.

  2. I think it’s fine? He may have had a couple of teenage relationships that ended when the new relationship energy wore off. He’s been single for 8 months so he doesn’t seem to rebound (which would probably be a red flag).

    Maybe speak with him and see why the relationships ended. See if there is a commonality and go from there.

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