I see a lot of posts here where by people say they have sex on the first or second or fourth date. Me (22) on the other hand, I’m still the 90 days rule kinda girl…does that make me old fashioned?

  1. You do you but it seems weird to put a time frame on when to have sex with someone

  2. It’s not old fashioned. It’s totally normal. Different people have different timetables.

  3. Honestly, I wouldn’t have sex for at least a few months myself. It’s soooo much better once you have the intimacy to back it up, and it gives you the chance to communicate beforehand what your expectations are around it.

  4. I’m the same, I need to feel 100% comfortable and really get to know someone before I feel like having sex

  5. By all means do what you want and set your own boundaries! 31F here, I’m old fashioned in many ways as in I used to have sex sooner but got burned so now I wait until we’re at least exclusive. But 90 days to me is excessive.

    Timeline matters; It can come down to how often you’re going on dates/spending time together. If it’s only 3 dates in a month then yeah that’s taking it slow. But if you have 3 dates every week for a month then things will progress faster and the timeline won’t be as long to initiate getting sexual and exclusivity/relationship. It also depends on where both people stand on what they want how the connection is progressing. With some people they take it slow and can be hard to let down walls, but with others you click right away and it feels very natural.

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