I (F) recently took my guy’s virginity. He’s an absolute sweetheart but he did lose it a little later than most people, which is completely fine and doesn’t bother me at all. Understandably, he didn’t really know what he was doing so I “took the lead,” tried to make him comfortable, and did my best to make it a really lovely experience for both of us.

BUT I did notice one thing that struck me as a bit odd…

His movement was a little, uncoordinated? That’s the best way I can describe it. Which at first I thought was perfectly alright — after all, he’s never moved his body this way, so of course it’ll take a little while to get the hang of it, ya know? But that wasn’t it… The man was quite literally not putting his dick in all the way.

Now here’s the key piece of information here: this guy’s thing is e n o r m o u s. That shit is like a fucking garden hose. Easily the biggest dick I’ve ever been with, and I’m a tad more experienced than he is. At first I thought he wasn’t putting it in all the way because he simply didn’t know how to move his hips correctly. But later after I had (uhh…) put in some work on top, he made a timid comment about it being painful for him. Confused, I asked what hurts? Thinking maybe it was skin-on-skin friction or perhaps I was bending his penis a certain way by sitting upright on it. He said, verbatim: “No, there’s a wall at the very back that I keep hitting with the head and it gets painful after a while.”


I’ve never heard of that before. That’s my cervix, right? How the hell am I supposed to ‘move that out of the way,’ for Christ’s sake? I don’t have an IUD or anything else in there (to my knowledge) that would be causing him pain. What does this mean? I’m too small? He’s too big? I’m guessing that’s why he wasn’t putting it in all the way when he was on top but when I asked him about it, he said he wasn’t really aware that it wasn’t going in all the way (?). He’s never been with another girl so he doesn’t have any compass as to what’s normal for him. I want this guy to be able to be all the way in me without it causing him pain. What do I do?

  1. I have a tendency to bottom out in women. Some like it, some hate it. But if she’s really shallow slamming my head into her cervix can get a bit uncomfortable.

  2. LOL yes, that would definitely be your cervix. 😊 The lol derives from the fact that it’s usually the other way around – it’s typically (in my experience anyway) the girl who’s screaming it hurts and not so deep when this happens. 💁‍♂️ However, “typically” doesn’t mean “all the time”… with my current partner, if I put it there and just grind against the back wall of her, she loves it.

    From this males point of view, I love the feeling of being that deep and filling her completely. Again, reference my comment about “typically” and “all the time”, and definitely wait for more folks to weigh in… it’s entirely possible I’M the weirdo on this one lol.

    What to do about it? 🤷‍♂️ A couple thoughts here –

    1) Not a whole lot YOU CAN do my dear. There’s only so much space in that sweet little thing of yours, and when it’s full, it’s full.

    2) You mentioned he was a virgin, but (stay with me here lol), “how” virgin was he? Has he had blowjobs before? Did he masturbate? If so how much? 💁‍♂️ There’s A LOT of nerve endings in a penis, particularly in the head… maybe this is something that will “toughen up” over time with experience? I dunno.

    3) Until you may or may not get to that point, some radical thoughts… if you can deepthroat, that may be less painful for him. How do the two of you feel about anal? No “back wall” in the booty, and the “back wall” of deepthroat can be overcome with not too much force.

    When I’ve watched porn with dudes who were extremely well endowed, I’ve often noticed they don’t usually go all the way into the vagina. I always presumed that was to save HER discomfort, but maybe it’s the other way around? 🤷‍♂️ Or a combination?

    If it’s not a case of him being over sensitized due to inexperience, it may just be a case of “an ice pop just won’t fit in a chewing gum wrapper” that you’ll have to figure out together. And so long as you keep the lines of communication open and honest… with maybe a sprinkling of a sense of humor too… I suspect you will, and find a compromise that’s wonderful for you both. 🥰

    Hope this helped a little, even if just for a couple giggles. 😊🙏

  3. Maybe you can try an OhNut? Not sure if you’ve used one before but its a little donut shaped ring that goes on the base of his dick and helps his length not go in all the way. They have a bunch of different sizes to try so you guys can figure out what works best for him.

  4. Besides the ohnut suggestion, try looking up fornix sex, and guiding him to the right angle to enter one of them.

  5. Larger guy here.
    1) the more excited you are, it can make more room.
    2) as you have sex more, you can relax more and take more
    3) different positions can make a big difference. My wife can’t sit up straight on top of me. But leaning forward can work better. Or even leaning back. In doggy, you can change the angle of your hips and it changes a lot. It actually can be possible to get extra room to the back (“O spot”) or the front (“A spot”)of the cervix – there’s a little pocket that he may be able to fit into. The wall there is also softer than the cervix and might feel better.
    4) a lot of positions make it so that part of the cock just naturally stays out, so it may feel more like he’s not bottoming out- prone bone, etc
    5) some cocks simply can’t go all the way in to some vaginas. That’s ok. Do what works.

  6. Lots of foreplay to get you as warmed up as possible, ideally he’d get you to come before penetration even begins. There’s a lot of extra room in the posterior fornix but it won’t be accessible until you’ve been turned on for a while. Source: excessive size

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