Sorry for the grammatical mistake I write so fast

What are some classic films, TV shows, epic poems, animated films, novels, and books that you have never watched or read, even though most people have seen or read them?”

  1. I don’t remember reading the adventures of Huckleberry Finn or Tom sawyer in school, but they’re referenced enough in other media so I have an idea

  2. Have never watched Star Wars, game of thrones, or almost any marvel movie. I’m just not an action/sci-fi/fantasy person so it doesn’t appeal to me. I’ve also never seen much of Seinfeld, I mentioned this to some friends recently and they were shocked.

  3. Never watched 5 minutes of Harry Potter… lasted 2 1/2 episodes of Game of Thrones, not for me… never saw 40 Shades of Grey, don’t think I will… watched about 3-4 episodes of the Sopranos, eminently boring…

  4. I’ve only seen parts of a couple marvel movies. Only watched a few episodes of the sopranos. Never saw any of The Godfather movies.

  5. Haven’t read any Harry Potter, Shakespeare. I haven’t seen It’s a Wonderful Life, The Simpsons, Game of Thrones, Sopranos, and many others. I’ve only seen two Star Wars movies.

  6. I faked my way through The Sun Also Rises. Pretty much skimmed through it but was praised for offering, “unique and thoughtful insight” on topic discussions we had to do in an online forum page just for our class. This was back in 2005-06, so halfway decent prose goes a long way into convincing people that you know what you’re talking about.

  7. Didn’t watch Friends. Don’t watch Gray’s Anatomy.

    Never read Catcher In The Rye.

  8. Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Gone With the Wind, The Godfather, That 70’s Show, Friends and M.A.S.H.

  9. I’ve never seen most Christmas movies.

    I’ve never seen the *Lord of the Rings* movies.

  10. Never was assigned “Of Mice and Men”, “Grapes of Wrath”, or “The Outsiders” so I haven’t read any of them

  11. Watched Friends and Seinfeld for a couple of episodes and decided they weren’t for me. Same with Game of Thrones. Even read the first book for that one and didn’t care.

    Don’t know if it’s considered classical yet, but I have tried and tried hard to get into Dune. I read a couple of books and lost interest. I tried again with the release of the new movie and once again, lost interest.

    Have yet to see any of the Fast and Furious movies.

  12. I’ve been meaning to read The Price, Art of War, Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace.

    I’ve been meaning to watch The Sopranos, the entire Godfather trilogy and the entire catalogs of Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick and Quinten Tarantino.

  13. Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings. I may have accidentally watched a couple parts of Harry Potter movies since they were on TV a lot, but I’ve never sat down and watched a whole movie.

  14. I’ve never read or seen “Of Mice and Men”
    Never read or seen “Pet Cemetary. ” “The Great Gatsby” “The Catcher in the Rye”
    Nor “Frankenstein” “Grapes of Wrath” or “Moby Dick”

  15. I never could get into Homer.

    Exodus I thought was flawed. To many info-dumps and handled ponderously. I watched it but did not like it.

    I never read “To Kill a Mockingbird”. It sounds a depressing book however socially important.

    I never read “The Grapes of Wrath”.

    A lot of times it is more I never got around to it. Sometimes I am not enthusiastic about it. Other times I am interested in something else. Sometimes it is something I want to read or watch or sounds like it but I never do for some reason.

  16. Never watching Star Wars, Harry Potter(I saw one of the films on TV, but the British accents muddled the plot too much, so I left midway), Titanic? I’m not really sure what else? Probably a lot of things. I’m more into older films from the 30s-60s, usually obscure ones. Yes I wear a Fedora, how did you know?

  17. I ended up in the advanced English class for some reason I can’t fathom in high school. While everyone else read books like *Lord of the Flies* and *To Kill a Mockingbird*, we were reading *The Odyssey* and *A Tale of Two Cities*.

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