Hello fellow men.

I come seeking advice on approaching a tough patch in life, as well as making up for lost time in life due to my own insecurities I’m just now deciding to face at age 29.

1. I was most recently let go from my job due to a combination of new management and market conditions. In the almost 2 weeks following, I have applied to numerous jobs, but absolutely no bites.

2. In evaluating how to approach point #1, I recognize one of my struggles throughout life is self-confidence. In doing so, I especially have self-confidence struggles as they relate to appearance and approaching a woman in person that I might find physically attractive. I’m not exactly the most physically attractive, so this reality combined with the struggle makes scoring quite a challenge.

3. I was introverted in my youth and it just kind of stuck. Kind of lived my life just to please others. Deep down, I know that who I wasn’t. Now, I am ready to change it all. I want to go crazy and just make up for lost time and enjoy things I may have missed.

What is your advice for the above? I want to make the remainder of this year stellar, and thus, why I seek advice from people who may have been in similar situations.

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