I am unlikable, unnattractive, and kind of boring to boot. Dating does not work for me and for the past few years my desire to do it has diminished entirely. At this point, sex just seems like something fun to do that everyone else is doing or is talking about doing. I have no personal qualms with people that provide sex as a service, but at the same time, I feel like giving it up because I’m bored to a professional might cheapen it entirely.

  1. Good grief. The first thing you need to do is work on your self-esteem. Sex is another story. I have lousy self/esteem myself but work hard to muddle through it. They are not going to put my mug on GQ either. Whatever you do with the sex, stop driving yourself down.

  2. Your first time having sex isn’t as big of a deal as people make it out to be. If you’re doing it with a sex worker just let them know and they can take it slow and guide you. Losing your virginity to a sex worker won’t cheapen the experience of having sex with someone you care about, trust me. I lost my virginity to someone whom I wasn’t dating or really knew and was glad to just get it out of the way.

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