I am a 21 year old F that’s been seeing a 22 M for about 4 months. We spend way too much time together. I knew I liked him the night I met him but became kind of indifferent about him after the first 2 dates. A couple weeks after that something changed, I don’t know what, and I started to be really really into him. Our bond has slowly been growing and becoming stronger and stronger and being with him is like a drug. I can spend way too much time with him and it’s never enough, which I understand can also be a product of how new this relationship is. He’s not someone I would have pictured myself with before I met him but I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else now. He is graduating (and I’m not) in 2 weeks and I feel like I want to cry (sometimes I do) at all hours of the day. Sometimes it’s out of sadness that he’s leaving and sometimes it’s just being emotional because I get to love someone so much. I just don’t know if i just love him or if I am IN love. I know I like him so so so much but I always imagined love to feel scary and nerve racking but I always feel safe and secure in this relationship… but recently I’ve constantly been having butterflies. From what I’ve always heard from people, I was under the impression that love makes you so incredibly stupid and you see the other person as god and just perfect… that doesn’t sound entirely healthy to me, I’m not blind to his flaws, I just don’t dislike them the same way I would if someone else had those flaws. He definitely makes me naive in the sense that i romanticize him, and moments and things between us more than I normally might, but I don’t think that I am totally idealizing him nor do I quite feel like I could throw everything away for this guy. I know that feeling that way isn’t the goal because you should never lose yourself for someone else, I just don’t know if that’s a tell tale sign of being in love. I also always heard that when you’re in love YOU KNOW you’re in love and uou wouldn’t be asking yourself if you’re in love. I can’t tell if I am putting too much pressure on what I always imagined love to feel like which is leading me to deny how I feel for him. This is so disgusting to say but I now understand what people mean when they say they can get lost in someone’s eyes. My parents and most of my close family members are divorced so I have always been a realist and am quick to say that I won’t marry whatever person I am seeing at the time. I still don’t think I will marry him or even see a real future with him (by that I mean I don’t think we would stay together 5 years down the road or anything like that.. but I wish that was realistic because I don’t ever want to not be with him now that I have him). I definitely FEEL like I’m in love and have never felt stronger romantic feelings for anyone ever but this doesn’t feel like what I’ve heard love feels like

  1. I want to add, I have never been in love. I thought I was with my high school boyfriend and wondered if 9 months was too soon to fall in love but for some reason 4 doesn’t feel too soon now. It feels so much stronger and realer this time around than the time before. Then, it almost felt like OK this this and this happened and he’s so great so I must love him right? Almost like I was forcing myself to believe that when now it’s like I’m suppressing how I feel and confused as to how and why I feel this way because it wasn’t supposed to happen but it did…if that makes any sense

  2. Sounds like an emotional free fall! Simultaneously, if it feels and looks like the right time, just go for it. No time like the present

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