What would people think if I refuse?

How to say it nicely?

Should I force myself to do it?

  1. Just say you don’t want to be on social media, if they have an issue with it then they’re not really your friends. I couldn’t give two craps if one of my friends didn’t want to be in a picture. As a matter of fact, be the one that takes the picture.

  2. Or be like “include me in pictures that won’t get posted online”

  3. “No” is a complete sentence. Of course you shouldn’t do it. Doesn’t matter if its your family, partner or a stranger. If you don’t want your picture to be posted, that’s a totally reasonable request. If anyone argues with you over it, assume their social media following is more important than you, and react accordingly.

  4. You definitely have the right to say no. But it’s going to suck to look back in a few years and not have any pictures of you with your friends/family.

  5. Done it a bunch of times. Another way to defuse it is to offer to take the picture of the group. People zing you about it a little bit, but life goes on. Classic response: “Oh that’s right. I forgot you have warrants!”

  6. I’m probably not qualified as I’ve never been in that situation, but I imagine the response would just be something along the lines of “no thanks, I don’t like being on social media. I can just take the picture, though.” If you’ve been wanting to get into photography then it could be a good excuse to do so since people will be more likely to want you behind the camera lol.

  7. Definitely you can request this from frie ds buy get ready for people to be mad at you specially this people that post EVERYTHING on SM. My friend is just like this and she doesn’t let no-one to post her pic on SM she rather not be in the picture.

  8. “Hey everyone, I’m uncomfortable with Social Media. It’d be great if I’m only in pictures we don’t want to post. It doesn’t have to be 100% but I’d appreciate it whenever possible.”

    I find when you’re not being 100% strict about it, people are more understanding and willing to make an effort.

  9. Just say..you all know im anti social and dont like to be on social media sites so ill take this pic for you all but can we take another one with me in on my phone after for memories? ide appreciate that!

  10. Opt to take the fotos instead! and if that isn’t an option, for some reason, I’m sure they won’t have any issue blocking out your face if its to be posted somewhere. If they are curious you can give your reasons but they should acknowledge and respect. Usually if you reject having a foto taken it is not a big deal. People don’t press the issue in my experience.

  11. Thats why I usually run to say I’ll take the picture and conveniently have to go to the bathroom or something when someone else takes the camera. Or you can just say no and not be a coward like me

  12. “Sorry I have to use the bathroom!” And scurry away for about an hour. They should be done by then

  13. This is my experience I don’t like taking pics with ppl I don’t really know or not too close. But if I’m close and we family I take pics. But also depending how I look I don’t like taking pics I kinda do care about my appearance but not too the top tho sometimes even being in joggers and something simple I’m okay. But to answer your question if u don’t like taking pics who cares they gotta respect that because u prefer not too and have your choice. Although try to put some effort in between to have memories like take pics in the ones u really wanna keep remembered about and it will ease off with avoiding taking pics because it means alot to you.

  14. I read one of the top posts in r/LifeProTips which is quite fitting here.

    When we leave this planet, our friends and family and loved ones will love to have those memories to cherish after our passing. The OP of the LPT post was someone who’s mother died and she hated pictures so they only were able to find like 3 surviving pictures.

    This encourages us to think about the bigger picture beyond how we feel, not to dismiss how you feel, just felt compelled to share this perspective!

  15. man if you ever pass one day people will never have pictures of you to remember. Id say just take photos anyway

  16. >What would people think if I refuse?

    A whole lot of things.

    >How to say it nicely?

    “Nah, I’m good – I don’t like having images of myself on social media for privacy reasons. Happy to join photos which won’t be going on social media though!”

    >Should I force myself to do it?

    No. Either do it or don’t. No pressuring should be needed either way.

  17. Don’t let them take your picture! A little bit of your soul is stolen every time.

  18. I won’t say should refuse but you can. Do what you want. You don’t want to take pictures, don’t. Just say “sorry. I don’t like being in pictures”.

    Some people will tell you to do it for others but don’t let that pressure you. If people need a photo to remember you by then you’re forgettable and not that important to them.

  19. There are no images of me on the internet. I refuse to have my picture taken buy phones or any device that uploads. Law enforcement has enough booking shots from 40 years ago if they need to find me.

  20. Its better to just tell your friends you dont wanna take pictures. I’ve had awkward moments when people took pictures or videos of me while I wasn’t looking and when I realized I would tell them to delete it and it would bring this weird vibe. Now they all know Im uncomfortable with pictures and usually ask before. Just put your boundaries before it happens

  21. Absolutely refuse. You dont have to do anything you dont want to do.

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