I’m 25F for context. I don’t exactly have any dating or relationship experience, I am wondering it it will be a legitimate issue meeting people who are looking for serious relationships down the line.

The reason for my lack of experience is that I’ve always struggled to meet people irl, as well as the fact that I’ve had insecurities that prevented me from putting myself out there on apps.

I suppose I do have one recent experience of meeting someone and falling in love, but it never turned into anything beyond a fwb-type situation bc he wasnt looking for something serious.

  1. If you’re not working on your insecurities then that’s the real red flag. Not having dating experience is only a red flag if you paint it as one so no matter what is going on in your head, never say anything negative about yourself to your date/potential dates

  2. Well then you know what you need to do. Get more experience meeting people irl and work on those insecurities

  3. Not having a lot of dating experience can be seen as a green flag to the right person for you. From personal experience, I (30F) LOVE that my serious partner (29M) doesn’t have a lot of past relationship exp before me for a few different reasons.

    Work on building your self love little by little everyday and don’t stress it. I know society puts a lot of pressure on everyone to be a certain way in every aspect of life, but you are allowed to be exactly who you are.

    Good luck!

  4. Missing experience isnt a Red flag as long as you know what you’re looking for. I dont have much experience because i wasnt sure what im after. Things can change and now i know what im looking for.
    Dating Apps are indeed horrible but i know its hard to meet people irl. I would prefer Meeting someone nice in a Park or whilst shopping but im kinda Nerdy and often didnt take a shot. I regret that sometimes just try to work on yourself and Do things you passionate about.

  5. Lack of experience is not a red flag. The reasons for your lack of experience are.

  6. It’s not a red flag, but I worry for you. The worst of the worst are on dating apps & with your little experience I’d not use them. If anything, try to meet someone through people you know, etc.

  7. That’s a positive for guys who date girls around your age. I am slightly in your same position, but do have some experience from a few relationships, but less than most women my age, so I tend to look for girls in my situation. They don’t have the expectations older women have around things like sex. Unless, your lack of experience is strictly relationship and not sexual partners. In that case, I retract because you probably will have stronger expectations.

    Usually only women have a problem with lack of experience tor older guys that date older women because they prefer the maturity and have been in many relationships and are ready to finally settle.

  8. Preferable for a lot of guys wanting something serious.

    For a hookup? Maybe not a red flag, but they tend to prefer someone experienced for sure.

  9. I’m late 20s and have only a little experience myself. It doesn’t seem like it should be a red flag, but I’m under the impression a lot of guys think that “women date on easy mode” and therefore if you haven’t dated much there must be really something wrong with you.

  10. I’m 28, seem to attract all the wrong types of men so I’ve never had a LTR, only situationships that have lasted several months at most. I’d love to find something long term but it just hasn’t happened. I have a life of my own though, I’ve been living abroad and focused on hobbies and self development.

    I’ve met a couple guys who seemed to still have a problem with me never having had anything long term, despite having experienced other stuff, so idk.
    It’s just funny, Just because something has lasted for long doesn’t mean it’s healthy and benefited you in anyway, I’ve seen so many terrible long term relationships that sometimes I think I’ve been lucky. But for some people it’s just something to achieve, and they’re insecure by themselves so they can’t imagine anything good coming out of being alone so they judge everyone who lives differently.

  11. Like many things in life, the answer is “it depends”. One of my exes was just like that, but it was a red flag because her lack of experience came from her extreme risk aversion and somewhat difficult personality. (A good girl tho, loved her to bits.)

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