To be clear: she declines these men/women hitting on her or asking her out. Would you want your girlfriend to tell you about these experiences, or rather not?

  1. All women should report. Reminds their men that there are other options if they slip up.

  2. No, I would trust her to bat them away privately, there’s no need to know unless it’s someone you know hitting on her, then you can beat his ass!

  3. It’s up to her

    My wife only tells me about the funny ones – because they’re worth telling. Or the ones she needs my advice on in getting rid of them

    If she told me about every single one of them, it would get boring.

  4. Well considering she has awful judgment on who’s actually hitting on her and who’s just making conversations, why not?

  5. I assume she’s going to be hit on every now and then, I mean I can’t be the only guy in the world who finds her attractive. Its up to her if she wants to tell me or not.

  6. Yes, and we’ve had that conversation before. If she’s being sexually harassed, I should know about that and do what I can to help with that. If it’s unwanted attention, what else can you call it?

  7. Yes, even if it makes me uncomfortable, but that’s probably the point, isn’t it.

  8. I am open to it, and have laugh with my wife if it happens to either of us.

    I also completely understand if she does not want to talk about it.

  9. Only if it’s someone she knows, otherwise I don’t really care. I understand why she might feel the need to tell me, but it’s not necessary for me, I don’t see the point. I don’t tell her every time it happens to me, because I know it would just make her feel insecure anyway.

    Also people who are saying “yeah it’s something to laugh about!” are obviously coping with insecurity about their girlfriend being hit on. What is meant to be funny about your girl rejecting someone?

  10. Yes. But his response is important. If he listens and doesn’t get up wanting to go kill someone then this is good (unless such a response is warranted).

    As a man, I want to be able to protect my SO. I can’t do that if I’m not aware of the threats she’s potentially facing. Getting hit on is normal, especially if you’re younger and pretty. If you’re wearing a ring and it’s still happening, it’s more cringe, and I take the threat more seriously (depending on the nature of the pick-up attempt).

    If you’re exceptionally pretty, then wearing more conservative garments can help. You can then explain to him why you’re not dolling up all the time, because he knows you’re getting hit on a lot and its annoying.

    IMO communication is good. However, that’s me. He may not be mature enough to regulate his jealousy or anger in a healthy way. A mature man listens to such things, and stores them in a file. He analyzes them quietly, looking for signs of creepers and long term threats. If he notices a pattern which alarms him, he may provide you helpful advice at that point – which can keep you safe. That’s his job, after all.

  11. Shure why not. It is worth the laugh.

    My wife is a petite Asian. She is 57, but could pass for 30. She gets hit on almost every day. We think it is funny because she gets hit on by men who are not much older than our son.

  12. Last one I was with told me when she did. It was we kinda funny and I liked that she was comfortable enough to talk about it. We’d usually just have a good laugh about it.

  13. I could care less. My girlfriend is a beautiful intelligent person, I’m sure she’s hit on quite a bit. I’m not the least bit insecure or the jealous type.

  14. It doesn’t really matter to me, stuff like that doesn’t affect me. If she wants to talk about how that impacted her though, I’m here.

  15. My girlfriend is a hospital worker so the majority of the time it’s gross old men. I don’t ask for it but it’s usually pretty funny

  16. I would want her to tell me what she wants to tell me, if it bothered her or she just wanted to let me know then yea, but if she doesn’t want to tell me then I wouldn’t want to know, it wouldn’t piss me off to know other guys are interested in her

  17. Yes, it’s pretty funny to hear what weird ways guy’s attempt to approach my SO, especially the arrogant/over confident ones, my SO absolutely rips them a new one using only the most savage comebacks. Sometimes i feel bad for them💀

  18. Depends. I would hope my woman would have the wherewithal to not entertain someone who is attempting unsolicited flirtation. But if it was constant harassment then she should say something to her family and the police!

  19. She doesn’t notice :’) There’s this guy at her work who keeps calling her beautiful & says she looks like a model & stuff. She came home and told me about it in the context of “He said I looked like this famous actress, but I look nothing like her!”

    I said “Yeah, he’s hitting on you”, at which point she looked at me in horror and went “But he’s, like, fifty!”

    I asked her if he was making her uncomfortable, and she said he wasn’t, but now that she knew he was hitting on her, she’d be uncomfortable around him. She struggles with standing up for herself so I encouraged her to go straight to her boss, who is a woman, if she ever felt unsafe or if he ever did something around her that made her uncomfortable.

    She’s not told me any stories about the guy since, so I’m assuming it’s all good.

  20. She tells me when it’s a weird story or when someone semi close to her does. But she doesn’t tell me every time it happens. That would be super tedious and unnecessary.

  21. I do because my lady has self confidence issues and an interested 3rd party might put a little pep in her step. I don’t think she’s going anywhere because she loves me and I love her. It’s harmless validation that costs me nothing.

  22. Up to her, but I like to hear about them, for the sole reason theyre often funny

  23. Up to her. I’m not looking for a daily report or anything, but if one bugged her or she thought it was funny or she wanted to talk about it for whatever other reason I’ll listen

  24. Ya it would be nice but depends on the person. Some might rather not know. I’d be more concerned with who if it’s someone she/we know or a random person

  25. It’s up to her. I trust my girlfriend and know nothing would happen. For example, she showed me a message from Instagram the other day of a man asking to be her sugar daddy hahaha, shits hilarious. But yeah, if they’re worth sharing she’d tell me.

  26. The women should also report to the police when they do get hit on to stop men from being creepy and approaching women

  27. Only if it was amusing in some way. But mostly it just reminds me of how undesirable I am out there and it gets me down.

  28. No, unless it’s something I need to step in to deal with. I would prefer if I could trust her enough to put the kibosh on other men pursuing her even if I’m not around.

  29. Yes he expects me to tell him when I get hit on and I expect the same.

  30. Nah, women I date are usually attractive to most other guys. I don’t really care since I know it’s a foregone conclusion. Part of the package deal 😀

  31. I want to know how many there where , their description , their names , numbers , adressen , internet history , backstory , criminal records ect.

  32. i dont have anyone like that but i know i would tell them about it. as a flex.

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