He (32m) and I (30f) have been together, somewhat off and on, for seven years.

I don’t wanna get too lengthy with this, but every time we get back together, we have a lot of sex and it feels good and healthy. Without fail, 2-3 months in, the sex stalls out and he will never initiate. He blames it on low sex drive and lately has been getting Testosterone injections because he has low T. But it feels like something deeper.

Like it’s not new anymore or he’s bored of me or something. I’ve tried to bring up the subject and I always get a “we can talk about this tomorrow” but he never brings it back up.

I want him to care enough to bring it up, so I’ve just been letting it go. Slowly growing resentful, and it’s showing. I’m on edge, I’m not as warm. Just makes me feel insecure and like I can’t get comfortable. Like we can either have a volatile relationship with good sex or comfort and stability with no sex.

He’s asked me today what’s wrong, why I am so on edge. I just pretended not to know what he meant. I think he knows I’m pretending.

Idk what to do.

TLDR: partner won’t initiate sex after things feel good and stable

1 comment
  1. How is it that you are just now, after seven years, figuring out that you probably don’t have a future with this guy?

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