I literally can’t take it when he watches porn I want to just break up. I hate that and I don’t understand why he has to look at other woman when we fuck everyday and even twice

  1. Honestly if you feel this way, then you should break up if he’s unwilling to lessen or stop his porn watching. You are allowed to feel this way, not everyone enjoys porn and it’s an ethical nightmare.

  2. It doesn’t matter how many times you fuck per day. Him watching porn likely has little to do with how much you have sex. My opinion is that you need to get over it. I always tell my partners that it’s important to me to have a sexual identity outside of them. I’ll always want to masturbate because that is time for me to love on myself. It’s not a substitute for sex. It’s something different. And yes, I’ll use porn to do so. It’s for me and it’s not about anybody else.

    Now, that’s not everyone. So, I think if you can’t accept his porn use then you should find someone who doesn’t enjoy porn. Because trying to force him to stop will only make him unhappy and will probably lead to him sneaking it.

  3. Then breakup. Also, stop trying so hard to use sex to keep men from watching porn. It doesn’t work and trashes your self esteem. If it’s that important to you, you need to find a man who agrees that watching it is problematic.

  4. Don’t know how old you are, but if it’s bothering you so much, break up. But get used to men watching porn. Many (most all?) do, but some will try to hide it. I don’t really get what the problem is, but I respect your view.
    Did you try to watch porn yourself or with him? It can be very nice. Or did you tell him you don’t want him to watch it in front of you? If this could help you calm down, it might be the right way for you

  5. This is the thing, even if you break up the chances of finding a guy that doesn’t watch porn are very slim.

  6. Is it the porn that irks you or the content he’s watching that irks you? And how old is he and does he have a high libido?

  7. Why does it bother some women so much that your SO looks at other women in porn? You are also free to watch porn and look at other men, if that’s your thing. Do you honestly believe you are the most attractive female on the planet? Or that you are so incredible that a man would not want to see other naked women who are readily available? Those women have no interest in fucking your SO. He can’t do anything with them. They aren’t a threat to you in any way. If he’s having satisfying sex with you daily, then this is not harming your sex life and might be helping it. Porn definitely helps me stay in the mood to have more and better sex with my partners.

  8. break up. porn means nothing and if u cannot handle him watching it then just leave.

  9. Sex positive sub’s gonna tell you that porns all good and everyone should do what they want when they masturbate. I get this, but think it’s super reasonable for you to have a hard line on this. I wouldn’t stop my gf from watching porn, but it would hurt to think of her fantasizing about super hot hunks with big dicks, so I get it.

    It might help to ask him what he likes about the porn. It’s probably some combination of the fantasy and visual stimulation making it easier for him to pleasure himself. The best option might be providing him with your own content (as much as you are comfortable with and absolutely nothing identifiable) that fulfills this. Make it clear that even if it’s a weird kink, you’ll be into it if it turns him on

  10. Why do you feel this is something you should be a “cool girl” about and accept rather than him participating in a shady, unethical, misogynistic industry that encourages rape myths and often drives sex trafficking?

  11. Hey. Boundaries are boundaries. You really don’t need any analysis of this in the moment. After you leave, which you should, you can analyze and figure out what is bothering you about it. But if boundaries are broken, so is the relationship.

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