I’m a 20 year old female and the guy I’m currently talking to is 26….Is this a huge age gap? :/

  1. I’m 28 and I have 21-24yr old girls talking to me. They like that older guys are generally more mature.

  2. Depends what you guys are each doing. Could be a big cultural difference in you’re in college partying and he’s working a 9-5 job

  3. For me 20 years old and up, as long as it’s consensual I don’t care lol

  4. I am 28 and My GF is 21 and we are doing so great..i think i never felt the age gap between us.! Its the vibe that matters. And for your information,even tho i am 28 now..i was mostly the same guy i was when i am 21. Most things doesnt change inside us when we age especially till mid 30s ig

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