I know some guys are never on their phone, even when they are hanging out in person with us girls. But how can one know he is inconsistent or worth my time?

  1. Because I know how to communicate if I’m busy or free and how to plan around it.

  2. You make time for what you really want in life. If hes not making time for you, you are not the one.

  3. I tell her that I put ‘do not disturb’ on at work, gym, and when I’m socialising 1:1.

    Outside those times I’m available, and I always text good morning and goodnight if I’m into her, maybe a kiss emoji in the afternoon if I’m thinking of her. If I see a nice cat you can be damn sure I’m sending her a photo of it.

    I’m happy to have a 10-minute chat before work or in the evening, ideally to talk about what we are doing this weekend rather than hear about her workday.

  4. Unless you are also super busy, please dont date a super busy guy. Most probably his work comes first and he will rarely be able to find quality time for both of you.

  5. Make time for it and make it a priority, simple as that. I’m busy a lot for my profession and I’m on the road a lot or traveling or on calls so there’s often times I’m not able to look at my phone or answer messages for hours at a time.

    But, even on my busiest days I’ll still take the time to send a simple message to my gf to let her know hey I’m thinking about you and that takes me all of 15 seconds because that’s a priority to me. When I do have time, I’m sure to be good and prompt in replying back and send out though out responses or conversations instead of two word responses.

    Also, being able to communicate “hey I’m I’ll be busy during XZY time so I may not respond for a bit” or a brief “I’m sorry it took me so long to respond” goes a long way in at least showing I’m not intentionally inconsistent. Again, takes me 30 seconds.

  6. I don’t. I prioritize life and being busy over talking to women. It seems to work out better that way.

  7. I’m never too busy to talk to a girl.

    Bill Clinton was the fucking president and he had time to chat up an intern.

  8. Depends.

    If I receive a message then I will reply when I have time, usually lunchtime or after work. If I have something to say then I will ping her a message when I can.

    Generally I avoid random chit chat over text.

    Texting is such a shitty medium for communication – there’s no vocal tone, body language, eye contact so it’s hard to actually connect. It’s also really easy for a message to be misinterpreted.

    Texting for me is for arranging dates and a little bit of chit chat inbetween to keep some interest and sexual energy going.

    But I won’t get drawn into long and lengthy back and forths waffling on about what you had for breakfast or what my favourite color is.

  9. If they want to talk to you, they’ll make time. There’s no such thing as too busy when it’s something you care about

  10. If I’m committed to a girl I make time for her. Perhaps he isn’t ready for commitment. That’s his loss. Still, you could talk about it first before ghosting him. “No pressure, but I’m gonna bounce if you’re too busy for a relationship right now. Been having fun though, so don’t really wanna.”

    If he’s in the military or he works as a sailor though… that’s not really his fault. Still, you gotta look out for yourself too.

  11. If he’s too busy or doesn’t care enough to talk to you, then he is too busy or doesn’t care enough to date you or be in a relationship with you.

    Doesn’t matter which of the two (doesn’t have time or doesn’t care) it is. Either way it’s not gonna work.

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