Specifically in the United States

  1. Gay Marriage being made legal countrywide.

    Yankees haven’t won any World Series’

  2. Gay marriage was deemed something all of America had to legally recognize.

  3. Free college tuition in NM, and just generally more progressive beliefs throughout society

  4. No more pandemic. Partially due to massive efforts by the US government and businesses.

    Continuation of dedicated free speech despite political turmoil and populism from both sides of the political spectrum.

    Support for Ukraine in a way that allowed them do the nearly unimaginable.

    The James Webb Space telescope and steps towards a new moon landing and maybe a Mars mission.

    Relentless improvement in basic retail everything from phones, to internet, to clothing, to food, to medicine.

    Anyone that doesn’t see a relentless if slow progress is just absolutely blind.

  5. The snacking options have increased tenfold.

    Flaming hot cool ranch Doritos!?

  6. Under Biden, and with China and Russia being much more open about who they are, U.S. global leadership is on the uptick as people see why the world order under us is necessary.

  7. Marriage Equality
    Rise of marijuana legalization
    Normalization of work/life balance
    Normalization of mental health struggles
    Greater acceptance of differences

  8. We’re making a lot of progress in the work-life balance space. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot of improvements that need to be made, but employees are starting to value time off and flexible scheduling rather than just salary, so a lot of companies are starting to focus on providing perks that cater to a better work-life balance

  9. Student debt becoming a more serious topic of discussion is pretty nice I think.

  10. Is it just me or does the quality and variety of food options in America just keep getting better and better? Like I’ve been to so many states the last few years and you can eat really high quality locally sourced food from a bunch of different cultures just about anywhere.

  11. Gay marriage. Marrying someone is a serious commitment full of change, love, and two people trying their hardest. Most straight people can’t stay together anyway. If two people can be a couple for a lifetime – no matter how they do it – let them get married. It’s just the icing on the cake. They’ll be together anyway. I hate Obama, but thank you Obama for this one.

  12. It’s nothing crazy but seeing bathing suit models have imperfections when I’m buying bathing suits online is so nice to see! Stretch marks, razor bumps, stubble.

  13. John back in the Chili Peppers. The introduction of Sprite Cranberry. They brought back Smorz cereal.

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