So I’m in my senior year of high school and it’s my last year to go to prom and I really want to go to have the experience and have fun but I have literally no one to go with and I don’t want to feel alone. I get really nervous and shy and don’t want to be judged by the familiar faces I’ll see there so I don’t know what to do.

  1. You can’t be shy and want to go to something like this. You have to ask someone to go, you have to get all dressed up and meet this person and normally meet their family for a couple of minutes, you have to go take pictures, you have to then meet that persons friends at the dance and most importantly you have to dance. You’re going to have to brake out of all that shy business.

  2. I went alone many years ago. Hated it. Worst night of my life 😆

  3. its nice to go but years later i realize it was a unnecessary waste of money.

  4. I suggest to go only if you want to, and if you’ll feel comfortable. No need to go somewhere you feel uncomfortable, even if it’s a bit of pressure here. My sister never went to her prom and she’s fine with it.

  5. Clearly you aren’t able to go. It really isn’t the end of the world you won’t care later on

  6. I never went 20 years ago and it has never entered my mind unless people discuss it. Save your money unless you really want to go. I know guys that spent up to $1000 on prom night in hopes that their date would play with their ding-a-ling at the end of it.

  7. I was in the exact same situation as you. I never went to prom and guess what? Im totally ok with it! Im 25 and don’t even think about my high school days now. It’s up to you though, if you really want to go try and find a date or just go with your friends. I just want you to know that prom is very over rated lol. It’s not like the movies or tv shows.

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