I got divorced officially in December and had extreme feelings of “I’m never getting married again!” But as time passes that harshness lightens and I want myself to find happiness again but I don’t know if that holds marriage.
I’m still young (not even 30 yet) but i think what gets me is the legal stuff – my divorce took FOREVER. And I just don’t want to make that mistake again. But wondering if others have found it worth it?

  1. I think it’s honestly not even worth thinking about right now. If you meet someone down the road, date for a few years, you’ll be in a better place to know if you want to get married again or not. But right now, only 5 months past divorce, this really isn’t something that you need on your mind at all. Just go be free lol

  2. Also for what it’s worth, my MIL is on her 3rd marriage and seems pretty happy with this one. Time will tell though lol

  3. 14 years and then finding the right guy.

    It’s way too early for you to be thinking about remarriage lol.

  4. I’ve never been the whole I am never getting married again sort of person.

  5. I’m my husbands second wife, I don’t believe he was in the never again mindset but definitely wasn’t seeking it out, his divorce was mutual both young with no kids. He always said he wasn’t looking for his wife his wife found him. Take this time to heal, grow and forge a new chapter when that new love sweeps you off your feet you can make your choice then

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