I am unsure on how to handle this situation. There are some men that I am currently interacting with, who wants to boast about themselves about how great they are and go out of their way to one up.

It’s like they want to assert dominance on the situation or group. And whenever they seem “lower” by some measurement or lack of, they initiative one upping.

I face this situation in so many places from casual business interactions to social gatherings.

What are some suggestions on how to handle these interactions more smoothly?

\*This interaction is continuously repeated with repeated individuals. So I am unsure on how to handle this better.

  1. I find dismissal to be the best option.

    There isn’t really a great way to deal with assholes

  2. Not care. Ignore em, go about my day and continue doing what I do.

  3. You care too much and that’s why they do it around you. Just dismiss it if it’s coming off arrogant and compliment them if they are humble bragging. Finito.

  4. Can’t imagine in my adult life interacting with someone in a dynamic where there is a question of “superiority.”

    If you are thinking in these terms, you already lost.

    You are putting a lot of your confidence in these fake social dynamics. They only matter as much as you make them matter.

  5. Ignore them?

    Whenever they try to say something to one-up you, let them talk, then act like they were just a weird blaring noise. “so anyway…”

  6. Most of the time I just ignore it. If it goes on long enough and I feel like jumping in, I will usually come up with my own “one up” and make it so ridiculous that there is no way it is true. Sometimes that will shut it down when they realize why it happened.

  7. The best way to deflate self-seriousness is with humor! Make fun of them when they start boasting and one-upping.

  8. People who are on the spectrum of narcissistic personality disorder are freaking everywhere – especially in management. Don’t get sucked into being their supply. Best solution is to do something called “grey rocking” or, if you can, to get away from them. They have toxic insecurity that’s masked by a need to show off with false bravado. You cannot fix them, don’t try.

  9. If you like them just let them do it, some people have anxiety and do this just let thrn do it who cares honestly.

    I have friends that go too far boasting but I noticed they do it in like the first hour or so of hanging out thrn nothing after I think its just some kind of social like hey I am cool too guys. If it makes them happy I don’t care

  10. Depends on the situation. If somebody you see very or work with is like that, you pull them aside and tell them how it is.

  11. You can play the game and shut them down and call out their bs or you can ignore and not hang out with them.

  12. “You seem interested in affirmation so I wanted to let you know, you’re the prettiest and your daddy loves you”

  13. Talk to them like you would a 5-year-old talking about dinosaurs: “Oh wow, that’s really interesting! Tell me more. Where did you learn that?”

  14. Seems like they might have an ego issue or something isn’t quite right about them.

    You may want to hit pass on those blokes.

  15. You don’t “deal” with them. You ignore them.

    They feed off people antagonizing them.

  16. Ignore them, everyone else can tell they have low self esteem and confidence.

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