Tl:Dr (F60) Broke up with bf (M53) mid-May. Largely civil, but it’s taking time for him to move out. He rejected the idea of going to a concert out of town as friends, mid-July. (I had already bought tix for both of us months ago). But I have a friend from out of town, also a big fan and we have road tripped before, so I was thrilled to offer her his ticket. Is it unreasonable to suggest that two months after asking him to leave is enough time to stay away if asked?

Mostly in the tl;dr…. He and I had been living together a bit over 4 years, together almost 6. He’s moving out because I own the house and he has zero equity claim whatsoever. I am trying to be patient because I know having a breakup suddenly happen is rough.

He’s going to be traveling to his home state to start setting up his new life, and coming back to get the rest of his stuff within a reasonable time. His schedule is flexible.

My friend will be staying here the night before our trip and the night after, before flying home. The current setup in the separated residence doesn’t adapt well to having a houseguest, as she and I would be crammed into a small guest bathroom, I would sleep on the recliner, while he’s in the master (I don’t have an issue with him being in the master now, my dogs are out in the rest of the house, his cat is safe in the master…so I do it for the cat) but…

Is it unreasonable to ask two months into a breakup if the person moving out could extend their travel (lodging not an issue with regard to costs, he’d be staying with friends in a separate trailer) a couple days to allow for some space when my friend is here?

  1. I think it is reasonable, but he may not. And this may cause some fire works. I am not so sure I would feel secure leaving him in the house while I was off for an overnight trip with my friend either. You sure you will come home to all the same valuables?

  2. Yes, it’s reasonable. You should probably look into eviction laws just in case as this is not sustainable.

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