When it comes to lasting long in bed, when people, more specifically guys say they don’t last long, or they’re “finished” or “can’t go anymore”, what exactly does that mean?

Does that mean they are physically tired after ejaculating, so their body is so fatigued that they struggle to further move their body anymore, similar to if someone just sprinted for a full minute or so?

Or does it mean after ejaculating they simply cannot get another erection even though their actual body hasn’t fatigued and can still move normally?

I know this might sound like an odd question, but whenever I ask irl friends, they just say “they get tired” or “they’re finished”. But I don’t exactly know what that means.

  1. Men have a refractory period where they have to “recharge” after ejactulation. This can be anywhere from a few minutes (usually 15-20) to a day or so.

  2. The biggest cause is the erection thing. After you finish, there is typically a period there where it won’t work again for a little bit. It isn’t a set amount of time – sometimes (rare) you may be able to just keep going, and other times you may need hours.

    Physical exhaustion could come into play as well, depending on what you were doing. Sometimes sex, different positions, etc., can take a lot of effort, and more times than not in most positions, the guy is the one that is having to manage that.

  3. Could be either one of those. Depends on the acts performed and the person in question. It could also be a mental/emotional thing from his history before or during the relationship with this partner. Conversation without judgment is the best way to the bottom of these types of issues.

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