What do you do when someone constantly pushes or ignores your boundaries?

  1. I would block them on all communication channels and go on with my life. If I’ve already previously laid out my boundaries, I wouldn’t even feel the need to offer an explanation.

  2. Block and move on. They’ll get told exactly twice; the first time as information and the second as a final warning. Third strike and they’re out.

  3. Yeet them out of my sight and mind. Why would I waste a second of energy on someone who doesn’t even show basic human decency and respect to me? Why would I reward their behaviour with allowing them to stay in my life?

  4. In the past, I would let people treat me however because I’d rather be treated badly than not have friends. I like to think that now I wouldn’t allow that and block/stop talking to them, but I honestly don’t know.

  5. Kindly explain to the person that this is the last time they cross my boundaries and remove them from my life. I have to assume this question is referring to friends, family, future romantic partner.

  6. Make your boundaries and the consequences for violating them clear. If they choose to ignore them, enforce the boundary.

  7. I’d rather readjust my life to their absence then tolerate their disrespect. Life is too short to suffer fools.

  8. I will a) tell them that they are pushing my boundaries, b) I said X and I need you to accept that, and c) I have no interest in keeping people who push my boundaries in my life and therefore will no longer be in touch with them.

    Though it depends on the situation. I’ve had my mom cross boundaries in the pasts and my reaction to that is a whole let different than to a guy on a dating app.

  9. If I’ve already made my boundaries crystal clear and they still ignore them? Remove them from my life!

  10. Push them out of my life. If it’s someone that can’t easily be distanced, like a family member that is always at events, I avoid them and quickly end conversations should they try and push my buttons. I have an uncle like that.

  11. Either I’m being petty by started doing things they repeatedly express they don’t like or I just stop interacting with them.

    Pick your poison 🙂

  12. Ideally just stop associating with them. If it’s not possible to completely cut them out, I use the grey rock method.

  13. Now that Im older and don’t worry about the consequences of standing up for myself….I just communicate it in clear, respectful and simple terms.

    I also ask them *why* they are doing something and then I ask them *not* to do it – depending on whether or not I will have to see them again (eg: coworker) I will suggest an alternative action.

    I don’t get hostile or rude. I just state my case and as soon as the boundary is pushed…I cease communication/contact in all forms. Before this occurs, they would have been cautioned.

  14. Fight them.

    lol kidding, kinda. I just stop dealing with them all together.

    Or fight them, but only if absolutely need be. and yes….some people need it

  15. I prefer to explain to them all the ways they fucked up so they cant come to me and say I just abandoned them randomly when in fact their actions led them to being removed from my life.

  16. Reinforce my boundaries until they get it. Otherwise, how tf will they ever learn?

  17. Very simple kick them on the curve. This person has no respect towards you and you need to stop all types of communication with them.

  18. I cut ties.

    Not prematurely so, either.
    Probably after multiple discussions, multiple times having my feelings hurt and boundaries crossed. You do you, but without me from here on out.

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