Hello fellows. 41yo here, and I’ve got an annual evaluation next month. I expect it will be fine with a good handful of constructive suggestions for how I can improve. I have a boss that is generally kind and caring, and an okay listener.

I have never really “leveraged” a positive performance evaluation. What are some ways you have sought to improve your general work environment?

Pay raise is certainly off the table as the company is working on climbing out of dark days. I am actively looking for another gig but this one is a good gig and pays all right. I like what I do but I don’t want to get complacent…so I was curious about y’alls thoughts on any or all of these:

What kinds of things/behaviors/results do you like to proactively bring up in evaluation to increase your standing and opportunities?

Are there any metrics or behaviors you think people overlook, missing a chance to advocate for and advance their careers?

What’s something people should ask for that they usually don’t? I already have permission to WFH pretty much any time and my boss is firmly in the pro-WFH camp.

Thanks for any thoughts and advice you can share and hope everyone is having a great week so far.

1 comment
  1. The real question is what do you want next?

    Do you want more responsibility? More pay? Less busy-work hours? More interesting work? Better colleagues/team? etc?

    When you can answer that question, then you start to discuss those points during your evaluation given it is the one guaranteed time each year to have a serious career conversation.

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