What’s the best thing someone has bought you, simply to make you smile?

  1. Mine was more of a gesture than a gift. I was having a really crappy work day so I decided to treat myself to a pizza from my favorite local pizza joint. Ordered it online once I got off work and went to go pick it up. I wait at the pizza place for 15 mins (after it took me 20 mins to get there) and finally asked why I hadn’t gotten my pizza yet. Well my online order never went through in their system. Just the cherry on top of an already shit day. After already waiting 30+ mins I wasn’t going to wait another 20 for them to start making me one so I just asked for my money back and left.

    I called my boyfriend in the parking lot crying and just vented about my day getting increasingly worse. I finally get home and about 10 mins later someone is at my door. It’s a pizza guy! My boyfriend, who was out of town at the time, ordered me a pizza to be delivered to me.

    No one had ever done anything like that for me before. It was so simple, but it meant the absolute world to me

  2. I used to work in a really awful job. At lunch I’d leave and eat lunch walking around the city centre just to get out of there for a bit. There was a toy shop nearby and I’d always look at one particular Jellycat bunny in the window and it would genuinely cheer me up because it was so cute. The day I got accepted for a new job, my wife met me from work with the exact bunny from the window, she’d gotten the display one specifically, so it could keep on cheering me up even though I wouldn’t be working nearby anymore. She’s always doing thoughtful things like that, and that bunny DOES still cheer me up!

  3. Last year I had my eyes on a Reese’s Pieces chocolate Christmas calender. It was a bit too expensive for my liking though so I didn’t buy it.

    I lost my hamster in November and was heartbroken. My husband, the ever loving good man that he is, went and bought the chocolate calender for me to cheer me up.

  4. My other half and I have a game where if we see a unicorn (like on packaging) we punch the other person in the arm.

    I am bad at this game.

    I was having a really bad week a few years ago. Really really bad. I couldn’t stop sobbing most of the time I was awake and it felt like my life was over.

    When I came back from work one day he presented me with his arm. He had bought a unicorn patch and sewed it to his jacket and told me to go nuts. I made me laugh so hard so I kissed it instead and we just goofed off for the night, blew up our inflatable weapons and watched some series about a cartoon unicorn.

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