For context I’m an introvert with social anxiety that just accepts whatever people accuse me of without explaining myself, but that changed today.

I currently have an internship as a technical support employee and I was tasked on fixing some computers and printers for a department with another coworker, I ended up solving the problem with the PC quickly, but the moment I plug the printer it starts printing a bunch of things and wastes about 10 papers

One of the employees sees this and accuses me of ruining the printer and wasting their paper, and demands that I get them a new bundle of paper and replace the “broken” printer, and for the first time in a long time I defended myself saying that it wasn’t my fault that the printer did what it did instead of apologizing and accepting the blame!!!!

This really filled me with joy & confidence, I’m finally breaking out of my shell :)))!

To whoever ended up reading the entire post thank you for your time!

  1. Congrats. People might not always ‘like’ you when you choose to stand up for yourself, but they’ll respect you for it.

  2. I almost guarantee that employee who yelled is the one who kept hitting print even though the printer wasnt working

  3. You’ll be handing out uppercuts instead of rational responses in no time

    Right on, though. Kudos on making these steps

  4. So proud of you, and also happy to hear that it gave you confidence.

  5. Fuck yeah! Good for you! I know it’s hard to cause conflict, as I have similar social issues, you should be extremely proud.

  6. To protect your own self and care about you is to respect and value what you are.

  7. Just know that every time you do it, it gets easier! Seriously! Great job

  8. Hell yeah! there’s no need to take the blame for something out of your control

  9. Good for you! Well done! I hope if felt as satisfying to you as it was to read.

  10. Conflict avoidance is a huge obstruction for me too, especially in real life. Good job sticking up for yourself!

  11. Don’t let people mistake your kindness for weakness.

    I’m really really really glad you stood up for yourself!

  12. Look, I’ll give you the best advice as far as all that goes, “Don’t ever disrespect someone, but always stand up for yourself and never let someone disrespect you.” And I PROMISE YOU that people will respect you and some will even look up to you. When that person tried to throw you out there like you were the one who messed the printer up, they were trying to make you look bad and that’s disrespectful and you spoke up for yourself as you should. But remember this too, don’t get the big head over it as that can come back to bite you. But yes, do what’s right and stand your ground and you will feel and even enjoy your confidence grow.

  13. I’ve dealt with bullies for a long time. Hate to break it to you, but I think you have not seen the last of this guy yet.

    You’re gonna need to say more than what you did. What that guy said is straight up bullying you and testing your limit. Ive dealt with this type of behavior from dickheads since I was a kid, so trust me just denying it isn’t gonna be enough.

    Next time you see him, go up and confront him on why he’s asking for you to pay money for that printer and explain what the fuck he is talking about to ur face. If he doesn’t give a clear reason that makes sense, then You call his ass out and tell him to get the fuck off your shit and put him in his place.

    Make sure to do it in front of others so he’s ashamed of his bullshit behavior. He won’t fuck with you again after that.

  14. That’s fantastic! Next up: negotiating world peace. You got this!

  15. Me as a introvert i always had 2 options either stood up for myself or regret not doing so later, why is it so hard to choose o the right spot of time!

  16. well done OP, so proud of you, take this feeling and run with it!! i hope you continue to stand up for yourself, and continue to do right by yourself, you deserve it 🙂

  17. Super well done. It will get easier to stand up for yourself as you go along. 🤓

  18. So proud of you! I have social anxiety too, but have been at the point of defending myself for a long time now, im so happy your reached that milestone, i know just how hard it can be 😊

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