I have been dating my boyfriend for almost a year and he is one of the most handsome and smart guy i have seen. I find him extremely attractive and cute.

I also have a pet rabbit for 6 years and when my boyfriend is acting cute and childish or doing something that i find adorable, i just want to squeeze his cheeks or bite him gently which is exactly the same feeling i get for my pet (when its being cute, which is almost every time).

These feelings are weirdly similar and I have started associated this with a feeling of love or warmth which i get from both of them..
Is there anyone who has a similar experience? 😂

TL;DR – “I have the same reaction to my BF and my pet rabbit when they are being cute”

  1. “Cute aggression refers to an urge to squeeze, bite, or pinch something cute like a young animal or a human baby without any desire to cause them harm.”

  2. The feeling is fine, but I’d not act on it. Animals don’t enjoy being squeezed or bit, and most humans aren’t too fond of it either.

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