
  1. I’ve only been to the other side of the pond once, and that was to London. it was fun but I’d much rather go elsewhere next.

    I’m planning to do a scotch tour through Scotland for my next milestone birthday. Hoping to get to Italy (visit the town my ancestors came from) some day. Perhaps one of those boat tours down the Rhine, too.

  2. I like the mountains so I’m often in Switzerland, Austria, Southeastern Bavaria, and Northern Italy (haven’t experienced the French Alps yet). I also love the natural beauty of Norway.

    In terms of cities, Copenhagen is a destination I find myself coming back to again and again. It’s not the most historical, cultural, or visually stunning but it just works so well as a town where you can spend a few days and have an amazing time. Vienna is also high on that list.

  3. Still plenty of places I haven’t been in Europe so I’m always willing try new ones but I go to Scotland periodically because I’ve got family there. Love it. If we’re talking about mainland Europe then I’m partial to Germany. Been a few times. I like the beer. I like the culture. I like the countryside.

  4. It’s not super common for people to travel to Europe from the US. If people go, it’s more likely only a few times in their life so they usually go to the biggies (and often related to their heritage).

    Italy, Ireland, Paris, London, Greece, Spain, Amsterdam.

    Probably next tier down Scotland, Germany, Prague.

    More popular in more recent years, especially with those with more money and time to travel – Portugal, Croatia, Iceland.

  5. I would say it’s not typical for your average American to have seen so much of Europe that they have standout favorites.

    I got back from Ireland just yesterday and had a great time there. Also stopped by Glasgow and that was fun for a couple days.

    I was in Paris once years ago and didn’t love it, but I’d give it or other parts of France another go some time. Not high on my list.

    I did Spain in the same trip and enjoyed that more. I’d like to get back there next year, as well as Italy, and the south of Portugal.

    Germany is on my list to check out. Dubrovnik in Croatia looks pretty cool.

  6. The Aegean Islands, particularly Patmos. Nicest people I’ve met in my damn life. I was just out walking with my girlfriend and some guy saw us out front his property, started talking with us, and invited us in for dinner with him and his family. We must’ve drank with him and his wife until like 1 in the morning. I’ll never forget that.

    I also had really good experiences in small town Italy.

  7. Having a favorite destination defeats the purpose. If I’m going to Europe again, I want to go some place I haven’t been before.

    Though I’d consider returning to London just to see the streets where Ted Lasso was filmed.

  8. It’s sort of cute that Europeans think that a lot of us travel to Europe often. For most of us, that’s either entirely out of our reach, or a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

    That said, I’d like to visit Spain. No particular reason, I just like the pictures I’ve seen, and would like to see the places in person.

  9. I can’t seem to go to Europe without at least going to Germany. I’ve enjoyed my limited time in Poland and would like to go back and see different cities and/or the Tatry mountains. But so far, my favorite areas have been the sort of central Europe area of eastern France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland.

  10. Ireland is our favorite, and we still haven’t seen a lot of it.

    We’ve otherwise traveled in France, Germany, Italy, and Amsterdam mainly.

    I still want to go to Scotland too.

  11. Greece and Switzerland are two of the most beautiful places I’ve been in my life, I’d really like to visit them again and go hiking.

  12. I usually make it to Berlin, Ibiza, Amsterdam, and London yearly. Outside of those, I usually try to sprinkle in some other bits of Spain, south of France, and other locations we haven’t been to yet on those trips too for something new. Greece doesn’t appeal to me, and Paris I won’t go back to.

  13. Taking my first trip to Europe In September to spend a week in Paris and I’m planning on 2 weeks in Italy next year.

  14. I haven’t been but I’d like to see Edinburgh, Scotland and Bern, Switzerland since I have family connections to both cities.

  15. Copenhagen is my favorite city in Europe. Copenhagen airport is also my favorite airport in world. I just love visiting this city and it’s hard to define why. It certainly doesn’t have the best food, but there is always something good enough. It does have great architecture but other European cities have architecture just as good or better. I guess a lot of it is the layout I like and the people.

    Other European cities or areas I favor are(and reasons why)

    Stockholm: interesting city with a lot of good history. Vasa museum one of the best museums on the planet.

    Prague: Visually stunning nice city with great food and beer

    Sorrento/Positano very beautiful unique area that is just so comfortable to me. I love pizza and there is superb pizza here very inexpensively.

    Black Forest and cities around ( Badan-Baden, Colmar, FR, Triberg, Freiberg Strasbourg,FR, Stuttgart) Attractive landscape and town architecture and design. Swabian food served in the area is possibly my favorite of Europe

    Tuscany (San Gimignono, Volterra, Sienna, Florence, Pisa) Nice scenic countryside with narrow curving fun roads to drive on. Cities are very historically interesting.

    Dubrovnik: interesting city design, architecture and history

    Aiya Napa and possibly Paphos: chill cities with good food and nice beaches that I enjoy spending time.

    Paris has to be in there I guess. Quite a lot to dislike about the city however the architecture and food are some of the best in the world.

    There’s quite a few others that I do really enjoy aspects of. However, I can’t make too long of a list.

  16. I have only been to four countries in Europe but the Netherlands was my favorite.

  17. Never been to Europe. I’ve only ever travelled to Asian countries (which are definitely underrated). If I were to go to Europe I’d want to go to Spain, particularly Barcelona and Madrid, mostly because I can speak a little Spanish, probably to an A2 level. Other than that Italy, Greece, and Turkey (if that counts) are high on my destination list. France and the UK too but less so.

  18. Bruges is kind of a hidden gem. Switzerland is much more beautiful than I had envisioned. Tuscany and most of Italy in general is beautiful. Paris is great in spring when there aren’t massive protests. Spain has many beautiful destinations. Prague is really interesting and has amazing history.

    There is a lot to choose from. If I were to pick a destination for a first trip I would probably pick either Paris (if limited to one city) or Rome and Florence (if I could see two cities). If I were to pick one country to travel around I would pick Italy and focus on the northern half (from Venice through Tuscany then to Rome).

  19. I’ve noticed that Iceland has become a really popular destination for people my age (late 20s-early 30s)! I’ve never been there, though.

    Aside from that, I most frequently hear about people going to Paris, London, or Amsterdam. I think Prague is becoming a popular destination, too.

    As others have said, though, most Americans don’t travel to Europe due to the expense.

  20. I was lucky enough to have lived in France for my study abroad experience. In addition to France, I did some traveling in the UK, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, and Switzerland.

    Since I lived in France and went to school there for my study abroad experience, I’ll leave that out. But as far as all of the other countries I visited, I think I liked Germany or the Netherlands the best. I spent some time in Cologne/Munich and Amsterdam/Tilburg. I made some fond memories in the short periods I spent in those places.

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