Hey guys, me (32M) my (27F) girlfriend has been on depo shot for about a year now, we’ve never used condoms before/after depo shot, been together about 5 years, pretty strong relationship, she has been hinting to me that she wants me to start cumming inside of her, as she wants to further our sex life. We want kids, but we don’t want kids at this current time, I did abit of research depo seems to be very reliable from what I have read, but just keen to grab some opinions. Im keen to fullfil her fantasies and my curiousities. With the depo shot she had bleeding for a few months at the beginning, and now she doesn’t get a period at all until her shot is due to be done again.

  1. I second it being reliable, nothing to forget, it’s clearly affecting her body. Only thing to remember is when to get the refresher. I’d say cum in her and enjoy it, it’s what the shot’s for.

  2. This is what birth control is for. You could just ask if that’s what she wants if you’re not sure.

  3. > now she doesn’t get a period at all until her shot is due to be done again.

    Systems all clear…..go for it!

  4. Not only is depo reliable, it’s also fucking horrific to be on in both the short and long term. Getting cummed in is the only way to make dropping a bomb on your endocrine system worth it.

  5. Allowing this is what birth control is designed for. It’s fine. However although it’s very effective, there are methods that are much less harsh on her body but just as effective. If she doesn’t want to rely on her memory to take the pill consistently there are such things as hormonal IUDs that are much less of a hormone dump than the depo shot.

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