I am currently in a committed relationship with my 25m bf and my coworker is aware of that.
I guess I can call what is between us a friendship (not anymore) because we usually talk most of the time in my workplace or take walks after work. Nothing too deep. Two weeks ago we had plans to eat sushi after work but it got too late so he suggested I come over and meet his other friends (including one female who I used to do my brows at her house -she’s a salon tech but never really got to know well) so I figured it would be okay but the hang out didn’t turn well since the girl started having an argument with her ex (who’s a friend of my coworker) and we didn’t really sit around like planned , my coworker suggest we watch a movie and i rejected so we played a round of chess then he started asking some questions about my background, and then i felt like what i was doing is weird so I up and left. I told my bf about it but not the location of the event since I felt he wouldn’t approve(i know, my fault, i should’ve told him the full story) but was afraid he’d think i did something (which i didnt).
Just yesterday when i was walking in my break with the coworker/friend he said spontaneously that he makes sex vids and showed me a hint of his phone then locked it. I didnt know how to respond so i said ok good for you. Later on he started asking questions about my bf so I told him come meet him personally if you’re that curious and he said “no he would think we hooked up” . And then he said “no you must be a virgin so that would block us from doing anything” ..
I see this coworker on the daily and I feel so grossed out by the whole thing so I am not sure how to react to him? And should I tell my bf about this or not?

  1. Don’t entertain this dude even in conversation anymore. You’ve done nothing wrong and by the sounds of it this guy isn’t getting you’re not interested in him. Either tell him straight out you don’t like what he’s doing and saying or just cut him out

  2. Don’t entertain this dude even in conversation anymore. You’ve done nothing wrong and by the sounds of it this guy isn’t getting you’re not interested in him. Either tell him straight out you don’t like what he’s doing and saying or just cut him out

  3. I would mention HR to the coworker. Don’t talk to him unless you have to, and then only about work. He’s gross and slimy.

    I would definitely tell my SO if I was in a situation where I was being sexually harassed. Don’t start keeping things from him. Sometimes when people make us uncomfortable like this, we feel guilty or ashamed about it even though we didn’t do anything wrong. So it is understandable that you didn’t share everything with bf right away, but he should know what’s going on.

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