Ideally lots of sunshine year round and temperatures in the 70s-low 80s

  1. That’s too hot for me personally but if that’s your definition, it’s San Diego

  2. Albuquerque is up there. Mild winters, mildish summers and never gets all humid

  3. Saying something is the best is completely subjective. Some people like seasons and cold weather. You’re also from California. I have doubts whether this question is being asked in good faith or not

  4. I’d say it’s probably Honolulu. Their weather seems mild and doesn’t change drastically from one season to another.

  5. Temps in the 80s is *not* good weather. I can barely survive that for a *week*.

  6. My dude you can’t say a city has the “best weather” and completely eliminate the best season of the year, fall.

    How can I wear hoodies and drink pumpkin spiced coffee if it’s 80 degrees out??

  7. Seattle, it never rains there and has perfect year round weather. Never Cold!!!

  8. Funny how people’s perceptions differ. That climate sounds just horrible to me, I’d prefer a comfortable overcast and 60s any day

  9. >Ideally lots of sunshine year round

    Your ideas of good weather and mine are very different lol.

    Give me overcast and maybe a bit of rain any day over bright and sunny.

  10. Honolulu. Basically it’s around 75 year round and most days a light warm rain. Occasionally you get monsoons but that’s fun to play in.

  11. Probably San Diego. I have family in Oceanside and my cousins went to school all year because it was always 75 and sunny.

  12. Temperatures in the 70s to 80s and sunshine year round would *NOT* be ideal or the best weather.

    I’d say somewhere in the mountains. Somewhere where you get four distinct seasons, but the summer isn’t too hot and isn’t too humid, winter that is cold and has snow but not enough to be a huge issue, and a separate spring and fall.

  13. San Diego and Long Beach.

    Smaller cities like San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano

    Basically if you want perfect weather, it comes at a steep price.

  14. That weather sounds boring to me.

    I moved to Michigan for the weather. We get all fours seasons, sometimes in one day, here. Variety is the spice of life!

  15. Redwood City California has signs proclaiming “Climate best by government test.”

  16. I don’t think I’d want to live where the weather is the same year-round. Yes in theory 70s-80s and sunny year-round sounds great but then you miss out on seeing cool clouds, having a cozy rainy/snowy day, the excitement of a thunderstorm, pretty fall colors, the first bloom of spring, etc.

    With that said, I’m partial to the weather back home in Minnesota. We get every weather phenomenon under the sun except hurricanes. Also it gets cold enough early enough that we’re one of the only states that has a decent chance every year of a white Christmas.

    For those especially averse to the cold, Arizona is a popular option. If you relocate between MN and AZ at the right times of year, you can actually achieve the consistent 70s-80s that OP is talking about. Thousands of snowbirds do it every year.

  17. Sunshine year round is awful, you need rainy days to keep the vegetation alive

  18. If that’s what you define as “best weather”, then San Diego. But you’re wrong about that being good weather. What you described sounds horrendous.

  19. (sings) “It never rains in Southern California…”

    Because it’s naturally a near-desert, and shouldn’t have a lot of people living in it.

    Florida has lots of sunshine and high temperatures year-round. It’s also prone to hurricanes and is slowly being overtaken by the sea.

  20. Oakland. San Diego is warm and sunny year round but in my opinion that gets bland. Oakland has warm and sunny days, cool and foggy days, and in between. Never humid, never too hot, never too cold. You go 20 miles in any direction and the weather gets noticeably worse.

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