So there is this girl that i like. We met at a party like two months ago and we had our first date on this saturday.

The date was really good, we laugh, the conversation flowed and we kiss in the end of the night.

But online communication is really not that good. It feels like I have to keep making subjects for her to keep talking.

The first time I asked her out she said “finally, all this talk and you didn’t ask me out yet?”lol

She is really busy, and overachiever and I think that’s great (and maybe explains why she is kinda dry by text?)

The thing is she is a friend from work of a friend and I don’t have much chance to see her face to face.

So, nowadays, is possible to create a meaningful connection without frequent digital communication? What you guys think about that?

  1. Their really isn’t anything meaningful online. Online is just a handy down from the government. Tik Tok is nothing more then a bunch of Saturday Night Life “Look what I can do”

  2. Online communication is there to facilitate in-person communication.

  3. I am really big on witty chatting/banter between dates as it keeps me interested and excited to see them again. If their ‘texting game’ is below par and we can’t see each other frequently enough (distance, work commitments) I will likely pull away. There’s nothing worse for me than someone saying “oh, I’ll just tell you in person” – like come on you can’t give me a quick summary/preview into this incredible story you have for me? I need mental/verbal stimulation for me to remain interested in someone for sure, and if they can’t deliver it, I just don’t think it’d be a relationship I’d want to invest in long term. If you see them frequently, i.e. every 2-3 days then it’s probably not so important, but if it’s like a once every 2 weeks or so, then you gotta have the chat!

  4. Christ it’d be a dream to date someone and not have to make it more complex with a phone. A simple good morning, good night, a call here and there. Face to face is what really matters and texting just makes everything more convoluted and confusing.

    It turns some people off when you don’t care about texing. It’s nice to make sure you’re OK but I’m not going to sit there all day and reply to texts. It’s not worth investing your emotions into something where you can’t really read the emotions of the other person.

    If you need to talk to me please just call. It more fulfilling to hear her say “goodnight” on the phone for 10 seconds compared to texting her for 8 hours straight.

    I’ve personally had far too many issues arise from texting drama, that would of been avoided if we were not texting so often.

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