Hi all, I am a 30F and on bumble. I have the following bio on my profile and just wondering how it comes across to men. Please be brutally honest.

“I don’t have tattoos or a model physique, but I do have a stable, well paying job, my own car, and I am an above average home cook. ( Specialty: spaghetti carbonara )

I’m not a huge fan of small talk or texting for weeks. If we match; let’s get a coffee”

  1. First impressions:

    > “I don’t have tattoos or a model physique

    You’re fat and tired of people saying it

    > but I do have a stable, well paying job

    Limited free time

    > I am an above average home cook

    Play your cards right and I’ll cook for you

    > I’m not a huge fan of small talk

    I get two possible impressions from this one:

    1. If there is not an immediate connection between us I’m out

    2. You must entertain me or I’m out

    > If we match; let’s get a coffee

    Personally I love seeing this because I like to get off the apps asap

  2. What does this bio tell me about who you are as a person? Where’s the personality? Where’s “This is me in a bio”?

  3. You dont look confident, I would hook up with you but not have a relationship( that guys will match). Start with what you know about yourself, then passion and education , sports you play and volunteering and then what you want( dont put cliche answers).

  4. Always start with a POSITIVE. there’s no reason to mention tattoos or a model physique at all.

    Imo this is an improvement:

    > Above average home cook (specialty: spaghetti carbonara). Stable job, car, the works! Let’s grab coffee 😉

    You can take out the smiley if you want, but I think it’s cute, and mentioning the cooking first is good because it’s playful and more unique than the rest. Again, don’t say what you DONT want with the talking and texting. You can say what you do want, but I think wanting to meet soon is something you can say after you match, not in your bio. Good luck!

  5. Sounds like you’re trying to avoid your looks and the shape you’re in.

  6. It’s overly negative and weirdly formal. Personally I think it’s better when people either list some of their hobbies or interests, or just put something funny in their bios

  7. I’m getting Liam Nielsen vibes from the movie Taken. Without seeing any pics of you, I (37m) interpret what you wrote as; “I’m fat but I have a job and a car”.

  8. I’l go against the grain and say that this is a huge green flag. You’re direct and seem to know what you want.

  9. Dudes will swipe anyways. The real question is will you message? Also, I love the idea of your cooking. Before my ex, I had never had bolognese. Good luck OP!!!!

  10. It literally tells me nothing about you except that you can make pasta and hate small talk.

    Edit: Nothing that matters. Guys don’t care if you have your own house or a career. I’m sorry but we don’t. We care about looks and then *WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON.* Your job, car and house aren’t any of those things.

  11. I think it’s a good bio. It’s funny because you are kind of calling out online dating and social media culture while also expressing that you are a mature and independent person.

  12. There’s a little too much emphasis on what you _don’t_ have and what you _won’t_ do. It comes off as very negative, like you’re expecting things to go wrong. I’d rephrase it like “Hello! My name is _____. I am curvy, financially independent and a good cook! I am very enthusiastic about going on dates, and I hope you share the same enthusiasm. 😊”

  13. Woman here so do with that what you will. It sounds very desperate tbh. You lack confidence. I’d be worried about bad men taking advantage of this.

    I always kind of cringe when guys list their credit score, that they have a job, their own car, etc. Just weird and doesnt say anything about their personality-almost more like they’re lacking one.

  14. My advice is don’t say what you don’t have, it looks negative and in some ways makes it look like you assume that’s what all women are looking for.

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