I find men such wonderful creatures. I love men who are heroic, brave, who have experienced trauma and overcome it with aplomb. I love intelligent men, visionary men, men with power who wield their power with caution and guided by a philosopher’s stone.

I love men who are protective, kind, compassionate and caring, yet can also protect you from danger and always look out for your welfare.

I love men who appreciate intelligence and femininity in women, and understand the particular psychological landscape of women who have overcome a lot of hardships in life but never let it taint their view of humanity.

I love men who can turn something ugly into something beautiful. Men who are creative and intelligent and witty, who never take themselves too seriously or have a need to win a conversation but more interested in learning about different perspectives. I love men who are warm, vulnerable and able to show the deepest parts of themselves without fear, men who have a vision for the world and want to change the lives of his people.

I love that men will always carry heavy things for me, and also drive me around in their cars and take me anywhere I want to go too lol


How about you guys?

  1. I’m attracted to creative, intelligent, passionate women.

    Who do I attract… I’ll uhh… get back to you on that…

  2. I’m attracted to almost any woman with a pretty face and a decent personality.

    I attract almost exclusively fat women, some of whom have pretty faces and decent personalities.

  3. I don’t have a particular type. I can get along with anyone.

    I don’t really attract anyone in the romantic sense. I have to drag women kicking and screaming into a relationship. Figuratively speaking, of course.

  4. What kind of person do I attract.. used to attract people who either need help or see me as a tool. Now there’s no type of person who’ll be attracted to me.

    Who I find attractive.. eh, nobody, at this point. I just appreciate the beauty, be it physical appearance or personality, and move on.

  5. I’m attracted to passionate, intelligent, athletic, kind, spontaneous, carefree women. Especially if they enjoy the outdoors, yoga, traveling, and/or similar taste in music as myself.

    I attract a huge variety of women, I can’t say I’ve noticed a pattern in the type of women I attract. And I’ve also been hit on by a lot of gay men as well (which I take as a compliment, but I’m not into men at all).

  6. I’m not picky, as long as they’re breathing and have a pulse. But if I had to choose, I guess I’m attracted to someone who’s confident, funny, and intelligent. As for who I attract, well, that’s up for debate – but I like to think it’s people who appreciate my charm and wit.

  7. Physically, I’m into athletic women. Long hair and practical clothes are a plus. And nice smile is also quite attractive.
    To me, what is attractive is passion for your interests, kindness, honesty, loyalty, ability to unwind. Healthy mindset and being mindful of your own health is important to me.

    I don’t think I attract anyone.

  8. I’m attracted to funny creative fit girls.
    I attracted the funny and creative girls but they’re usually overweight.

  9. Personally, I like women who are confident and bright. I’m a lean and fit guy and I like women who also value the lifestyle. I really like femininity in terms of looks and style in the classical sense.

    I have no idea who I attract. I’m honestly blind to it, and always have been.

  10. I’m attracted to women who aren’t obese and also don’t have a face that would scare me if I woke up next to it. So attracted to like 85% of the women my age. Probably 90%.

    I don’t attract women LOL

  11. I’m attracted to women who can tolerate me and my humor, but also share in interests I like and are sensible and reigned in about reality.

    I don’t really seem to attract anyone.

  12. I am attracted to people who can handle themselves but still be a little gremlin with me; Oh and physically big pillowy glutes have always been incredibly attractive.

    However I mostly seem to attract people who only want to smash, scammers, prostitutes, or people who clearly didn’t read my profile in any capacity and immediately lose interest. Most of the time I’m just ignored… Like the moment someone plainly rejects me it’s amazing to just receive an honest and upfront answer over pure silence!

  13. A few times in my life i saw a women during my day and we’d look at each other. Its not attraction like i find her hot and have a boner, its like something attracted each other. I gotta say.. im not so sure its comoletely in our control, at least for me. For the shortest time i cant not look at her, not embrace this moment. Then its a little waking up, remebering what was the goal of the day before this encounter.

    It comes at out nowhere, times sort of stop, i know she feels it as well, because shes doing something as well and she just stop doing it for a few seconds.

    Shes always feminine, appears to be a little bitter, but not too much, just getting a little older instead of growing up. Physically theres not too much to say, shes normal looking or a bit more attractive than average, she looks healthy more than anything, but have pretty hairs, and a cute face.

    Its ironic.. we always see each other when i have shit to do, its a day of getting shit done. Usually a free day, where i dress like i would for work, which is not how i would dress when i dont have to maintain appearances.

    Sad thing is i never stopped and neither did she. We just both got back on tracks, and probably forgot about it real soon because shit still have to get done.

    If for some reasons my current relationship wouldnt work out then ig i’ll hope to live that another time and change the usual outcome.

    Had to say it sometimes i figured this was a good place for now.

  14. Usually atratched to more nerdy petite girls or those who spend a fair bit of time in the gym as i do too. Usually also 5″6 or shorter. Gotta be passionate about something too, dont like people with their only interests being social media and going out drinking and clubbing.

    Those who I attract? I wouldn’t know as it has nver been made known to me lol

  15. the thing that attracts me the most is them being into me

    i.e. if I find out a girl is into me, they instantly become more attractive to me, although I do still have other standards

  16. My attraction : Short, skinny, long straight brown hair.

    I attract only one type, that is trying to sell me their OF lol.

  17. Personality Smart, can hold a job, and talkative

    Physically long hair, athletic build, and big chest

  18. I am attracted to smart, creative women. Usually artists, but I would certainly be interested in engineering/science oriented women if I met more of them. I like easy going/low maintenance women. Women who are vocal about what they want/need, but also agreeable.

  19. I’m a wonderful creature? Well, I guess someone had to revoke my human card eventually…

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