Me (23 yr old male) & her (20 yr old female) met thru mutual best friends. They introduced us and we clicked immediately, we’ve hung out a few times now. She comes over and stays almost all night every time. The first night, I just wanted to get to know her, because it felt a little forward to do anything. The second night, we kind of talked again all night, & the third night, we cuddled after a night out at the club to where we were all over each other.

The issue with the third night is after cuddling until like 4 am I asked if she wanted to kiss, and she said she was tired & was very dismissive towards compliments.

At the club there was also an incident where a guy walked up to her asking for her Snapchat & asked if I were her boyfriend to which her & her friends hesitated, smiled, looked at me, & she said she didn’t.

I was somewhat annoyed by it, & went and hung with my friends and left her on her own. She came down to us, asking me to come back up with her, & I told her I would and never did. She was somewhat upset as well. Towards the end of the club hours I went to get her, & she needed me to help her shove some guys off her trying to dance with her, so I did it out of respect. Things seemed okay from there.

A little context, I found out that night is she has some sort of relationship thing going on with a guy back at her college town, as she’s back home for the summer. Even had a picture with him on her wallpaper.

Her friend has told mine multiple times
that I was the only guy she would consider seeing & stuff. Admittedly, I have failed to ask for any contact info three times in a row, out of complete absence of thought.

I’m failing to understand why she is coming over and staying this late at night every night, cuddling, & getting physical, just to not want to do anything.

My assumption is she’s confused ab what to do with her relationship/fling thing she has going on, she actually was really tired, or she was upset from that night.

TL;DR : girl keeps sending mixed messages about what she wants, after having physical connection, and I’m failing to understand.

1 comment
  1. Talk to her and ask if she has a boyfriend and what’s going on. We can’t know more than she does.

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