I’m just asking if it’s rude to the bartenders to take up space at the bar to read while it might be busy. Is it?

  1. I’ve done it. Son’s scout troop met near a downtown area. I would drop him off and go to a bar. Bought a beer or two and tipped extra. Enjoyed my book.

  2. What would be rude is not drinking at the bar. Read, sitting quietly, playing on your phone or talking to the person next to you are no different.

  3. I think depending on the bar, it might be a bit odd. I know a lot of people who like to read at bars, but it’s not like they’re going to the super loud, super busy bars to do it. Mostly these are the kind of people who show up at the bar at like.. 7pm and get some reading in before their friends show up.


    Regardless, it’s not rude, and it’s not that strange. I would just say that it’s probably going to deter people from striking up a conversation with you, as it’ll look like you’re occupied.


    edit: also, yea what other person said. Buy something. People are working and you’re occupying space that someone spending money should be occupying. If you’re not buying something, probably don’t sit at the bar.

  4. Read the room. If it’s a Friday night and you’re at the bar reading it’s gonna affect the vibe of the bar and people are more likely to leave cause the vibe is off

  5. my parents took my sister and i to a holiday bar.. i brought my nintendo switch

  6. Of course not as long as you’re still ordering! What the hell kind of question is this? This is the first day that I’ve seen this website in a long time and it’s amazing how the website is bombarded with dumbass questions today this is the result of video games and social media and people being so much and other people’s business that they don’t take the time to learn who they are themselves and what they’re about! A lot of these questions that I’m reading are common sense questions and if people are asking these questions looking for answers from other people who are just as ignorant as they are then why do you expect to get something that’s going to work for you or make sense! It’s the blind leading the blind!

    I’m going to give you some examples of some things that are rude! One they say no question is a dumb question that’s a lie! It drives me crazy when people ask questions about things that they should have learned in school! What it leads me to believe is that they were poor students and didn’t pay attention in school! What’s rude is to spend more time gaming than educating yourself it is rude to spend more time on social media being a busybody and having conversations about topics that you have no knowledge on especially when you’re under the age of 30! There are so many people under the age of 30 who think they know everything! They think because they can do a voice search in Google that that makes them some kind of damn genius! Nothing will ever replace life experience! Browsing all day long is rude because it makes you ignorant. Then a person takes that ignorance out into society and spread the like a deadly disease to other people who are weak minded and easily impressed! If you didn’t know what zombies are real they’re walking around out here everyday these are people who believe things for no other reason than it’s been passed down by their families from generation to generation most of the time they don’t even know why they believe what they believe or do what they do! They just do it because there are uncle or Mom and Dad or somebody said the shit! The problem with Society is that people are taught what to think instead of them learning how to think! We live in a society now where they’re banning books from schools we live in a society now where they are intentionally teaching false history to students and they grow up thinking that people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and these presidents in our history that we give a month-long celebration to because in school we were told that they were such outstanding gentleman which was a fucking lie! Every single one of those presidents were slave owners! Every single one of those presidents that had a hand in writing the Declaration of Independence and growing this country were all authors and founders of every negative law racial law conduct mindset that this country originally had because they were the ones that were in power! I bet you a lot of you don’t know this why do you think most black people have surnames of former presidents? Washington, jefferson, jackson, lincoln, Johnson,? When slaves were first brought over they were stripped of everything that they knew from their culture up to and including their names and easy way for people to know whose slaves were whose was to give them the last name of the slave owner! Nobody had more slaves than these former presidents! Not only were they slave owners but they were rapists why do you think the light skin blacks back then were kept in the house while the dark skin was were kept outside? I could go on and on educating you folks but you wouldn’t be able to comprehend it a lot of you wouldn’t so I’m going to leave it alone because I’m not going to allow willful ignorance to get my blood pressure up based on social biases and stereotypes that have been passed down from generation to generation! This is why Society is failing because it has refused to learn from the mistakes of the past! Rather than dealing with situations and accepting it and making things better they would rather act like things didn’t happen and in the process they end up repeating the same bullshit that was fucked up in the first place! I’m done with

  7. Context is important here – are you with friends and you’re reading, or are you alone and reading?
    With friends, totally rude. By yourself, it’s perfectly acceptable.
    I have read in plenty of bars, and I’ve done homework many nights at one of my favorite bars because I knew everyone, and they always gave me a quiet corner. I tipped decent, and when I needed a break, one would always come and chat.

    At the end of the day – it’s your time. Use it however you wish.

  8. Not at all as long as you’re a paying customer. Sometimes I enjoy it because sometimes wild shit happens at the bar and the bartender and I will make eye contact like ‘i saw it too, lol’
    No words need exchanging.
    This also doubles as eye flirting so be careful not to let it get out of hand if you don’t have intentions of friendship or relationship

  9. This is why I’m glad my city has a fairly new book bar. It’s a bookstore, cafe, and bar all in one. It has your basic bar setup on one side, and more lounge-like couches and chairs on the other. You can literally grab a drink and a book off the shelf, read for a bit, and either buy the book if you like it or just put it back.

    I actually just came back from there a bit ago, but took my own book with me. I’ve got anxiety and a dash of agoraphobia, and this place has been a real boon to getting me outta the house lol.

  10. Not during the day but it’s not a cafe maybe opt for a table? Are you taking a shot every page or what?

  11. No. Who would that be rude to? As long as your purchasing stiff.
    although I would think it would be tough to read if the bat was busy and people are bumping into you

  12. Not at all. You have the right to ask something as long as you have permissions to them

  13. As long as your not in the way of staff or other customers, they usually don’t really care what you do within reason

  14. The bar I go to a lot gets reallly busy on Saturday nights. People completely surrounding the bar on all 3 sides the whole night and people sit at the bar still. And they don’t even read! Just having their drink and chatting taking up bar space. Don’t worry about it at all. That’s what the bar is for after all! It’s a recreational space so have your drink and read your book without worry

  15. I was a bartender for about 8 years and my girly ass came in on off days and crocheted while I drank. If I was alone I brought my hobbies with me. The only rude thing would be to ignore your friends at a bar, fuck everyone else.

  16. I dont think so, as long as you are buying drinks. You are no different from one taking that space playing on their phone. Granted there must be a better place to read.

  17. No. Not rude at all. However, reading in a busy bar is a bit weird, a quiet bar, sure. I’ve sat at the bar reading a newspaper many times, a book would be no different, but if it’s busy, it just seems weird to me. Not rude though.

  18. Depends on the time. If you’re at a bar and it’s 11:30 then yeah you’ll get some weird looks, but it’s pretty common to see people at a bar pretty early in the day and no one bats an eye.

  19. Bar fly here,
    It does seem pretentious reading a hard copy a bar, I’ve seen bartenders complain about it. So I started to read PDFs on my phone.
    Somehow it’s more acceptable, because people think you’re on your phone.
    I figured it’s better to read for hours while drinking alone at a bar than drinking coffee.
    I’m better at drinking gallons of beer than coffee

  20. Five dollars an hour plus your regular gratuity from your drink, especially if you only have one drink and you hang for two hours. Basically. Pay for the spot they are losing. And tell them you are doing so. Don’t make them wonder and don’t let a shift change happen and not get them their cash. Thats what I would do. And more if the place is **fancy**

  21. It’s not just buying drinks. Bartenders depend on tips, they don’t make money off the drinks you buy. If you are “camping” on a bar stool when all the other stools are occupied, you need to tip well. However, if it’s a slow night, you are not impacting the bartender’s income. Not as big a deal.

  22. Depending what time you at the bar…if it’s more than a coloring book Poindexter foot to ass looking down on me

  23. To stay on the actual bar, yes, to go find a seat and sit down with it, no

  24. The thing about being at the bar is….who gives a fuck? I would like to go socialize though..just me

  25. As long as you’re buying no, of course if you buy 1 $ worth of stuff and then take up a sit for an hour, you shouldn’t feel surprised if the barkeep gives you bad looks.

  26. As long as you are drinking then it’s fine. If people can whip out their cellphones, then you can whip out a book.

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