I started dating my bf at 18, I’m now 20. He’s a good guy, loyal and understanding.

However, I feel like I’m settling.

I come from a comfortable well-educated family. I’ve grown up in an Asian household where the man provides. I am currently getting an education and my future pay will be at least decent. I’m a good-looking women and i pay for 90% of things, and he’s never taken me out. He isn’t naturally romantic and at times I wish I had someone to give me gifts. I don’t mean birkins, or whatever. But small thoughtful dates.

He comes from a family with government support, and he has no higher education. He’s stuck in a job that won’t pay him much more. I get jealous seeing my friends go out with just make-up in their bag, and their boyfriends taking them out to dinner, buying them cute gifts. Being thoughtful, verbally complimenting them and appreciating them. My friend gave her bf his fave pack of crisps and he exploded in joy. Telling her how lucky he is. I do that and more, I dont feel like im appreciated like that.

He’s a good guy i wonder if that’s enough? Has anyone else settled in this way and been happy? He does really love me though

TD;LR I feel like I’m settling and it’s creating me resentment

  1. i feel like resentment is the worst feeling to have in a relationship and nothing good comes after you start feeling it, it’s like your happiness death sentence idk, even if he changes you might always think about how he made you feel before

  2. There’s absolutely nothing wrong or unusual about wanting a partner who’s financially stable. One day you’re going to have a household together and you want them to be able to contribute to that. It’s also normal and healthy to want to feel appreciated, be able to give and receive gifts that are appreciated, etc.

    Tbh I think that men who want to pay for everything all of the time don’t usually view women as equal partners and tend to be bad news, but everyone likes to be treated once in a while (including most men).

  3. You definitely settled. Get out while you still can, your young and deserve to be treated right. I did the same when I was younger and it left me miserable and made me resent him. When you get with a man who provides you’ll wonder why you even put up with this in the first place.

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