Some context first: I’ve known this girl since kindergarten, we went to the same elementary, junior high, and high school together, and now the same university

We started talking about a month and a half ago, and around a week or so later is when i started developing feelings.

Speed up to now, We have a lot in common: music, tv shows, movies, ideologies, and even just in the way we think about things.

Her ex left her around 3 months ago and I didn’t want to rush her into a relationship, but now she just mentioned about how she saw this cute guy today and I don’t know what to do.

TL;DR Should I just tell her how I feel and hope for the best? I’m worried I might ruin the friendship we already have.

  1. In my very unprofessional opinion, I think you absolutely have to tell her how you feel. Life is too fucking short (especially at 19) to hold back. The way I see it, here are your options and possible outcomes. 1. You say nothing and regret it for as long as you and this girl remain friends. 2. You tell her how you feel and the feelings aren’t reciprocated. You respectfully take some time to heal and can resume the friendship if you so desire. Or 3. You tell her how you feel and have the opportunity to fall in love. 100% worth the risk, and I’m rooting for option 3 for you. Good luck OP

  2. No, do not do a Feelings Dump.

    Just ask her to lunch. Ask her on a date.

    But don’t make some grand declaration of love.

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