A few days ago, I masturbated and it was an enjoyable experience. But after I orgasmed, I started feeling intense shame and wanted to cry. I felt gross. Though, I was able to calm down.

Is this a common feeling? How do I cope with it?

  1. Well it can be, I find it to do with ur upbringing/religion like my parents and myself are catholic and masturbation/self pleasure is a taboo, but I’m saying that everyone is different, but masturbation is natural and over the years i myself have learn that

  2. It’s not uncommon for people who’ve been raised to think of sexuality in a negative light, or else people who have a history of trauma, to experience shame after sexual activity.

    Do you have access to a therapist who can help you with through any shame you feel around sexuality? That would probably be really helpful for you.

    If not, perhaps you can take measures on your own to help you through these difficult emotions. I would recommend getting a mindfulness meditation app and trying it out. If you can train yourself to notice your own thoughts and emotions in a non-judgmental way, it’s easier to cope with difficulty feelings and loosen their hold on you.

    Best of luck, and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

  3. I understand how you feel and I’d love a private conversation with you just inbox me

  4. I used to feel the same thing but I realize I’m not doing anything bad and I shouldn’t feel shameful. I still sometimes do but for the most part I feel good.

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