ok so i take private biology tutoring lessons. our teacher teaches in groups of around ten people. i saw that one guy there and immediately couldnt get my eyes off of him. mind you we are in different schools and barely ever interacted. our test is now over so we dont take lessons anymore. i texted him yesterday for “new studying material” and we had a good fucking conversation. we even spoke about ourselves and our personal lives and he seemed a bit interested? at the end of the convo he was replying late and we both didnt know what to say so he just said yep and i didnt reply (there’s literally nothing to say to yep). its been a day now and we didnt speak since then. i reallllyyyyyy want him to text me cause if i text again itll seem weird and pushy and mind you were still technically strangers. id hate that. what do i do???? 🙁

1 comment
  1. Bite the bullet and just message him asking him out for a coffee or something? As a guy I’d certainly prefer some brutal honesty rather than mixed signals haha. Worst case scenario he says no. What have you got to lose if you barely know each other right?

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