
I wanted to know what are some indications that a guy isn’t into a girl. Especially through text. thank you!

  1. When a guy says he’s got a lot going on/too busy, if a guy is really into you he will make time and find a way to do something with you

  2. If they try to keep a convo going. On the flipside if a girl does not try to keep it going as well we assume she is not interested.

  3. It’s gonna vary from person to person, if there’s a specific guy you have in mind, it might be helpful to know about them. Might also be helpful to know how old you are, age matters in these sorts of things I think.

    The only girl I ever was interested in that I communicated with through text, I sort of treated her like a closer person than we may have been, joked with her rather than just commented on daily things, also used emoticons (didn’t have a phone capable of emojis myself back then) with her, which I have never done with anyone else. I talked about her, rather than just about things she did.

    Also, I always contacted her first, which did give the impression that she didn’t really care to contact me, so reciprocation in that area is necessary if you don’t want to give off a bad impression.

    That would indicate that I’m a little into someone, but not sure if she knew that, and its been years since we talked, so not like it matters. Again, that’s just what I did, it may be different for whoever you’re thinking of.

  4. If I’m not trying to make plans to hang out and all I do is text you, it’s a good sign I’m not interested.

  5. We could give you generalized “signs” of this or that, but the best advice IMHO is just push for actual meetups early and often. Find out if you truly like each other or not. Don’t get stuck in weeks or months of text-based audition bullshit.

  6. He takes too long answering, never initiates first contact, just answers questions when you message him.

  7. Only by text???? Impossible. I respond in the same frequency, politeness and my interest in a person give no indication of I’m romantically into someone or on a friendship level.

    I think you expect too much from text messages.

  8. he’s not asking you questions and he’s not talking about himself.

    it almost seems like you’re talking to a professional coworker

  9. when they only give short responses and dont engage in talk much

  10. Your penis can feel the breeze of the fan instead of the wetness of the pussy.

  11. Texting ain’t shit honestly. Also I am garbage at texting I’d rather spent time in real life then text

  12. Short answers with no follow up questions. And in person lack of eye contact

  13. for me the main thing that i look for is “hey do you wanna hang out this thursday” if it’s greeted with a yes that is good, if it’s greeted with a “no is friday ok?” that’s good, if it’s a “sorry i’m busy” that’s dead.

    not 100% flawless but pretty good

  14. Text based relationships have a shelf life – I can’t pinpoint exactly but if you two speak daily, I would say, about a week. If it hasn’t naturally evolved into calling/face timing or (even better) physically meeting up, he isn’t into you.

  15. Speaking from experience…? Well… here’s some more obscure signs… firstly if he just stares at the horizon while you talk. That’s the first sign. Then if he is in the restroom for 96 minutes. Thats another sign. (Also, you find yourself getting mad more often at him. Its probably because he no longer gives a shit.). These are all things that I did with my ex and I didn’t even realize i was doing them.

  16. I don’t know the “especially in texting” part.


    – if he doesn’t want to introduce you to his friends and families after some time

    -if he acts strange or is uncomfortable to be seen with you together

    -if he behaves like you aren’t his girlfriend on a party or something

    -if he only got time for you when he is horny

    That are some indications. Could also mean he is ashamed, that’s not really better though.

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