For context, I encounter them every day when I am on my way home after work and they kind of recognize me by now.

  1. Id be careful like.. Why do you want to initiate contact with these girls? Are you a guy or a girl?

    They may think it odd if you just approach coldturkey.. Like maybe some small talk like “Hey I notice we seem to pass eachother quite often, I was wondering if… (like just some casual question? You gotta get to know them a bit first I think before asking to hang out?). Its a bit hard to not appear like a stalker creep ah.. Or just a simple” Hey, nice weather today don’t you think?” just.. Like.. Small talk?

  2. Depends which country and city you are doing this. Basically it depends on the vibe of the place. Some places might be more liberal and girls feel safe talking to an approaching stranger while it could be quite the opposite for other places where crime rates against women are high.

  3. Start small by just saying hi as you pass them. If you get a positive/enthusiastic response then the next time you encounter them you could try stopping and chatting a bit. Ask how their day is going, maybe try introducing yourself. If it feels like you’re getting good feedback you could try asking them a little bit about themselves, but don’t be too pushy or super personal right off the bat. If you’re not getting positive responses or if they seem standoffish or annoyed then it’s probably best to move along.

  4. You make it sound as if you are a tiger and you see a herd of gazelles.

    Jokes apart.

    Are you a guy or girl?

  5. You should not if you’re a dude. Unless you have a legitimate reason. Horniness is not a reason.

  6. OMG NEVER DO THIS. no offence but as a 19F I have had so many guys ask for my number when I’m running at night and it’s so freaking creepy. Like you should never ever do this especially if you’re a guy. Like, when a girl is exercising, with her girlfriends and she does NOT know you and when she’s alone walking to a place. Like, there are so many better ways to approach someone you find attractive or something

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