I’m a 34m and have never really formed a bond with anyone in my life. I have had the typical schoolmates or work people that i talk to regularly and i can do social situations just fine. I’m typically witty and sarcastic as i have been told, but over all do just fine talking and interacting with people. My confusion comes in with that fact that, at the end of the day if all those people just stopped talking to me or vanished it wouldn’t really bother me. This goes for acquaintances or family, as i don’t have any friends so cant say them. Most of the time when a friendship may form it dwindles fast, as i give what i get out of this so if you don’t try to put me in your life then i don’t push myself into it either. Which in my life no ones really ever tried to have me apart of there life like that so i suppose it adds to my objective confusion as to why i cant do it. I do tend to be an observant person and notice people, either couples or just good friends interacting and become confused as to why it doesn’t happen to me.

I have never felt love for someone or have had it for me romantically and curious as to why, since at the end of the day people know of me from my physical appearance and attitude, but know one but me actually knows me if that makes sense. So i suppose my question is whats it like? How is it suppose to feel or be between that sort of bond, be it intimate or just good friends? Also what about me may be stopping this normal thing between people from happening to me, as a outside perspective from the worldly internet has the best chance of giving me a point of view id otherwise not get. Thanks in advanced to those that may respond with my first post on reddit, and be patient with me as I’m figuring out the posting etiquette for all this.

TL;DR Just curious as to why i cant form bonds from an outside strangers perspective.

1 comment
  1. Have you been to a psychiatrist? You could have something like autism or schizoid personality disorder, but of course no one here is qualified to make that determination based on an internet post.

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