24M and about four years ago I discovered that rubbing my dick in between two pillows felt really good and I could almost mimic sex thrusts while masturbating. I did not do this every time I masturbated, but would do it every so often.

I would say about two or so years ago I started masturbating this way a large percentage of the time, like 90%. It became my favorite way to do it. This is not exactly “prone masturbation”, as I do not lay down and do it prone, but it is just about the same thing as I use the friction of the pillow(s) to masturbate. [There is a lot of good information about this type of masturbation here if you are not familiar.](http://healthystrokes.com/)

However, the last 5 girls I tried to have sex with I struggled to actually get hard once it became time for me to do my thing. I would be hard while making out and everything, but PIV starts and nope. I am sure nerves and maybe me having a few drinks (not enough to be absolutely hammered) played a role in it, but I have a feeling that my poor masturbation habits are more than involved as well.

I am going full cold turkey from masturbating (via hand and pillow) for a while. I am wondering if anyone else has had this prone masturbation problem, how they fixed it, and how long it took. Thank you!

1 comment
  1. well i think quitting masturbating this way would probably solve your issue. im 24f, so obviously dont understand your issue. however, i stopped using vibrators for a similar reason. my clit became desensitized to manual stimulation. bc of this, i chose to forgo vibrators or just use them as an occasional treat.

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