Dear New Yorkers, how are you?

  1. They all died of smoke inhalation, so I’ll chime in with a kinda shitty” for ’em.

  2. It’s pretty crappy. It smells like smoke, and everything’s got a weird orange tint to it. Luckily it’s not like I have to be outside for anything.

    Supposedly we’ve got another day or so of this to look forward to. West Coasters, how do you deal with this happening so frequently?

  3. all i have to say about the current smoky condition in NYC is….

    Fuck Canada.

  4. It’s an interesting color of overcast, and as ralph wiggums said it tastes like grandma, but I’m alive

    The pollen count has been so bad lately that I can’t tell the difference between this burning eyes and that burning eyes, to be honest (blame men for that )

    Reminds me of when there was a huge main line gas pipe fire in jersey decades back, this red sky, tho it’s not raining brimstone this time

  5. Diet New York here – the air tastes like a pencil smells. There’s a vaguely orange haze that resembles what I imagine it looks like when a tanning salon violently explodes. And it smells like a barbeque from the perspective of a brisket.

    So, you know, not great.

  6. The sky is grey and there’s a faint smell of smoke in the air. Thanks, Canada.

  7. Eyes are burning and it smells like a big bonfire out there. I left the office to get a coffee a little while ago and they were handing out masks at the front desk.

  8. I’m doing okay. My wife’s company sent her home about an hour ago. I’ll be going home within the hour. Will wear a KN-95

  9. I’m alright, kind of wondering how wildfire smoke stacks up to the smog from leaded gasoline that used to plague the city

    Edit: I’m also wondering if anybody would even notice if I stepped outside to smoke a joint. Would that smoke even be noticeable in all the smoke?

  10. I’m fine.

    Sure it’s hazy and smells like smoke. But I have a fridge full of beer and food and no shortage of video games, so it’s all good even if I have to stay indoors more than I’d like for this time of year.

  11. Everything was orange for about an hour, but things seem to be clearing up slightly now. Idk, it’s not changing anything about my day to day life. Everything smelling vaguely of campfires reminds me of camping as a Boy Scout.

  12. Dismayed at the smoke, nervous about the future, and praying we’re not the next place to be hit with a wildfire.

  13. Boston area here.

    It’s been pretty hazy and smelled like smoke yesterday morning.

    I saw blue sky for a bit this morning, so improvement.

  14. we have a couple of wildfires nearby where I live here in NJ too, so it is really shitty here.

    Can’t see the sun.

    Can’t imagine what it is like for the our friends up north of the border

  15. Currently at work at the office wearing a mask because the air is seeping through the windows and doors.

  16. Syracuse here. Getting by but it’s intense. Very low visibility, reaks of smoke, and definitely feel the affects being out in it too long. Eyes burning, light-headed etc.. Yellow haze everywhere.

  17. You know how movies will use a sepia filter to indicate that they’re in Mexico?

    It is EXACTLY like that right now.

  18. I’m not in New York (I’m in Ohio), but I went for a walk this morning and the small amount of smog was really freaky.

  19. Not fun. My eyes are watery as hell, you smell smoke the instant you go outside, and when you look out the window it looks like one of those yellow filters Hollywood uses when they’re really trying to express that the current setting of the film is in Mexico.

  20. The sky looks ominous. I’ve seen the sky like this in California a few years, but it wasn’t nearly as bad. I’m just happy it isn’t our houses and trees burning.

    >!Canada shall pay for this!<

  21. Not great. Would really like to take a walk today, but it’s not safe to breathe outside.

  22. I’m in CT, about an hour from the city. It has been orange and smoky all day, yesterday too. The trees 20 ft from me are hazy, stuff farther out has a white cast. It smells very strongly of smoke. Trying to stay inside cause I’m recovering from a cold right now.

    I’ve been out of work all week, planning to go back tomorrow, and just got an email saying “we know the school smells like smoke, but just like your houses it’s fine!” Like wtf no my house does not smell like smoke inside?? So now I’m not looking forward to going back tomorrow. I’m going to wear a mask in case I’m still contagious, hopefully it’ll filter some of it out lol.

  23. I live an hour from Canada and it’s pretty well cleared up here, at least where I am out in the woods. Overcast, but the orange haze is gone.

  24. I wonder if NYC get big smokes like this often and know how to deal with it? Or is it just once in a blue moon?

  25. Ill. The last two days. Not terrible but general sick to stomach the last two days

  26. Lungs owie 🙁

    Editing to add that in Florida, we were once evacuated for how close the wildfires were. The sky was orange, way worse than here. But my lungs didn’t hurt then. They do now though.

  27. I feel like Im in a post-apocalyptic movie and am pissed that I haven’t stocked up on chef boyrdee.

  28. It’s darker than normal, hazy, and it smells like a campfire outside. The most unsettling part is how much the temperature has dropped because it’s blocking out so much sunlight.

  29. I still have a bunch of KN95 masks so I’ve been wearing them since yesterday. I haven’t left my apartment other than to buy some food and coffee and mailing a thing at the post office, all on my block.

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