Ladies who adhere to gluten free diets, how has your life changed since?

  1. I’ve been GF since last August. My fatigue is gone and the really bad bloating I had each time I ate it is gone too. I am intolerant so it’s not by choice. Maybe my anxiety is also a bit better but I wouldn’t say it changed my life that much.

  2. Been grain free since 2012.

    Skin: eczema, chronically dry/flaky/peeling/hypersensitive/irritated skin disappeared. Dry peeling lips disappeared. KP disappeared. Skin became brighter, hydrated and just felt better.

    Body: lost 8lbs quickly. Didn’t even know that would happen nor was it my goal (I went grain free because my eczema was horrible and getting worse). Poops improved so much. No more bloating or over-eating. Lots of energy throughout the day.

    When I do eat grains (because cake), I feel heavy and pretty awful in general. My skin issues return, too.

  3. No more bloating, nausea, migraines, stiff joints and depression and anxiety is gone.

  4. Been GF since 2007. I can actually maintain healthy weight, no more severe pain or abscesses. No more thinking I had Crohns or Lupus and taking unnecessary heavy medications (steroids l, opiates….) In turn, my body healing has improved my mood 100%

    Side note: western medicine and how they treat women set my diagnosis and recovery back years and made me sucker before I got well. So glad I am healthy today but it was much of advocating for myself and ignoring PREVALeNt patriarchal condescension.

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