Women who are trying dating apps, and have children – what has your experience been like?

  1. My experience has been good for the most part. I guess having kids puts some men off, but I don’t hold that against them because it’s not unreasonable. My dating pool is still wide enough to swim in, and I’ve developed relationships from dating apps. I avoid men who take too much interest in my kids because I’ve heard of paedophiles targeting women with children.

  2. Fine. I have 4 and a grand daughter but could get a date every night of the week. I’m not saying they would all be quality dates, but it’s not tumbleweed

  3. Slightly difficult more so from the kids side they do make it slightly harder and more awkward haha.

  4. Having a kid has never been the issue for me. I’m pretty sure I don’t get given a chance solely based on the fact I’m not a 10. Not even an 8. So, there’s that.

  5. No shortage of prospects. I just haven’t found someone that I want to give up my single life for. Sure having kids limits time to date, but most guys are busy with their lives and hobbies, as well.

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