This is just something I’ve noticed, but people really enjoy hanging out with people who laugh easily/a lot. I know I do. It feels good to have someone laugh at your jokes and stories.

I know I don’t have to be that person to make friends or for people to enjoy my company. But I have a hard time laughing at *anything* anyone says. Jokes, absurd stories, funny mishaps etc. it’s just not funny? And then I haven’t had the energy to force a laugh since like 8th grade, so I do that awkward “hmm” laugh thing. Is it anxiety preventing me from relaxing enough to laugh? Are people unfunny? Have I fried my humour receptors with shitposts and YTP? Is it autism?????

I would genuinely love to know if anyone can relate to this experience and offer any advice so I can feel less like a brick wall, thank you!

  1. I observed that I don’t live out my emotions as much on the outside as other people. My boyfriend will laugh out loud when watching meme compilations, whereas I almost never do. There have been occasions, but I’m never as expressive as him.

    I also don’t scream or react loudly when I’m hurt. Like stubbing a toe, I don’t make it verbal, especially not in public.

    I’ve thought about this a lot and one of my theories is that when I was little and my parents were arguing or had just argued and there was tension in the air, I made sure to be „invisible“ to not spark another argument between them or whatever. So I got kinda used to living in my own head instead of expressing myself

    I’m also introverted and a lot of things I feel on the inside, but I don’t express them verbally.

    I’ve had the problem a lot with other girls (I’m a girl). Girl groups get loud, like really loud, sometimes. Squeeking out of joy, laughing manically and so on. I sometimes fee like that’s a bit smothering. As if their emotions are on full volume and mine are kind of muted

    I’ve not gotten behind it just yet

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